octave: Index Expressions

 8.1 Index Expressions
 An “index expression” allows you to reference or extract selected
 elements of a matrix or vector.
    Indices may be scalars, vectors, ranges, or the special operator ‘:’,
 which may be used to select entire rows or columns.
    Vectors are indexed using a single index expression.  Matrices (2-D)
 and higher multi-dimensional arrays are indexed using either one index
 or N indices where N is the dimension of the array.  When using a single
 index expression to index 2-D or higher data the elements of the array
 are taken in column-first order (like Fortran).
    The output from indexing assumes the dimensions of the index
 expression.  For example:
      a(2)       # result is a scalar
      a(1:2)     # result is a row vector
      a([1; 2])  # result is a column vector
    As a special case, when a colon is used as a single index, the output
 is a column vector containing all the elements of the vector or matrix.
 For example:
      a(:)       # result is a column vector
      a(:)'      # result is a row vector
    The above two code idioms are often used in place of ‘reshape’ when a
 simple vector, rather than an arbitrarily sized array, is needed.
    Given the matrix
      a = [1, 2; 3, 4]
 all of the following expressions are equivalent and select the first row
 of the matrix.
      a(1, [1, 2])  # row 1, columns 1 and 2
      a(1, 1:2)     # row 1, columns in range 1-2
      a(1, :)       # row 1, all columns
    In index expressions the keyword ‘end’ automatically refers to the
 last entry for a particular dimension.  This magic index can also be
 used in ranges and typically eliminates the needs to call ‘size’ or
 ‘length’ to gather array bounds before indexing.  For example:
      a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
      a(1:end/2)        # first half of a => [1, 2]
      a(end + 1) = 5;   # append element
      a(end) = [];      # delete element
      a(1:2:end)        # odd elements of a => [1, 3]
      a(2:2:end)        # even elements of a => [2, 4]
      a(end:-1:1)       # reversal of a => [4, 3, 2 , 1]
