octave: Function Precedence

 11.9.7 Function Precedence
 Given the numerous different ways that Octave can define a function, it
 is possible and even likely that multiple versions of a function, might
 be defined within a particular scope.  The precedence of which function
 will be used within a particular scope is given by
   1. Subfunction A subfunction with the required function name in the
      given scope.
   2. Private function A function defined within a private directory of
      the directory which contains the current function.
   3. Class constructor A function that constructs a user class as
      defined in chapter SeeObject Oriented Programming.
   4. Class method An overloaded function of a class as in chapter See
      Object Oriented Programming.
   5. Command-line Function A function that has been defined on the
   6. Autoload function A function that is marked as autoloaded with
      Seeautoload XREFautoload.
   7. A Function on the Path A function that can be found on the users
      load-path.  There can also be Oct-file, mex-file or m-file versions
      of this function and the precedence between these versions are in
      that order.
   8. Built-in function A function that is a part of core Octave such as
      ‘numel’, ‘size’, etc.