octave: Finding Roots

 28.2 Finding Roots
 Octave can find the roots of a given polynomial.  This is done by
 computing the companion matrix of the polynomial (see the ‘compan’
 function for a definition), and then finding its eigenvalues.
  -- : roots (C)
      Compute the roots of the polynomial C.
      For a vector C with N components, return the roots of the
           c(1) * x^(N-1) + ... + c(N-1) * x + c(N)
      As an example, the following code finds the roots of the quadratic
           p(x) = x^2 - 5.
           c = [1, 0, -5];
           roots (c)
           ⇒  2.2361
           ⇒ -2.2361
      Note that the true result is +/- sqrt(5) which is roughly +/-
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seepoly XREFpoly, Seecompan XREFcompan, *noteDONTPRINTYET       See also: Seepoly XREFpoly, Seecompan XREFcompan, See
      fzero XREFfzero.
  -- : Z = polyeig (C0, C1, ..., CL)
  -- : [V, Z] = polyeig (C0, C1, ..., CL)
      Solve the polynomial eigenvalue problem of degree L.
      Given an N*N matrix polynomial
      ‘C(s) = C0 + C1 s + ... + CL s^l’
      ‘polyeig’ solves the eigenvalue problem
      ‘(C0 + C1 + ... + CL)v = 0’.
      Note that the eigenvalues Z are the zeros of the matrix polynomial.
      Z is a row vector with N*L elements.  V is a matrix (N x N*L) with
      columns that correspond to the eigenvectors.
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeeig XREFeig, Seeeigs XREFeigs, *notecompan:
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeeig XREFeig, Seeeigs XREFeigs, Seecompan

  -- : compan (C)
      Compute the companion matrix corresponding to polynomial
      coefficient vector C.
      The companion matrix is
                _                                                        _
               |  -c(2)/c(1)   -c(3)/c(1)  ...  -c(N)/c(1)  -c(N+1)/c(1)  |
               |       1            0      ...       0             0      |
               |       0            1      ...       0             0      |
           A = |       .            .      .         .             .      |
               |       .            .       .        .             .      |
               |       .            .        .       .             .      |
               |_      0            0      ...       1             0     _|
      The eigenvalues of the companion matrix are equal to the roots of
      the polynomial.
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeroots XREFroots, Seepoly XREFpoly, *noteeig:
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeroots XREFroots, Seepoly XREFpoly, Seeeig

  -- : [MULTP, IDXP] = mpoles (P)
  -- : [MULTP, IDXP] = mpoles (P, TOL)
  -- : [MULTP, IDXP] = mpoles (P, TOL, REORDER)
      Identify unique poles in P and their associated multiplicity.
      The output is ordered from largest pole to smallest pole.
      If the relative difference of two poles is less than TOL then they
      are considered to be multiples.  The default value for TOL is
      If the optional parameter REORDER is zero, poles are not sorted.
      The output MULTP is a vector specifying the multiplicity of the
      poles.  ‘MULTP(n)’ refers to the multiplicity of the Nth pole
      For example:
           p = [2 3 1 1 2];
           [m, n] = mpoles (p)
              ⇒ m = [1; 1; 2; 1; 2]
              ⇒ n = [2; 5; 1; 4; 3]
              ⇒ p(n) = [3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeresidue XREFresidue, Seepoly XREFpoly, *noteDONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeresidue XREFresidue, Seepoly XREFpoly, See
      roots XREFroots, Seeconv XREFconv, Seedeconv XREFdeconv.