octave: Enabling and Disabling Warnings

 12.2.2 Enabling and Disabling Warnings
 The ‘warning’ function also allows you to control which warnings are
 actually printed to the screen.  If the ‘warning’ function is called
 with a string argument that is either "on" or "off" all warnings will be
 enabled or disabled.
    It is also possible to enable and disable individual warnings through
 their string identifications.  The following code will issue a warning
      warning ("example:non-negative-variable",
               "'a' must be non-negative.  Setting 'a' to zero.");
 while the following won’t issue a warning
      warning ("off", "example:non-negative-variable");
      warning ("example:non-negative-variable",
               "'a' must be non-negative.  Setting 'a' to zero.");