octave: Debug Mode

 13.4 Debug Mode
 There are three additional support functions that allow the user to find
 out where in the execution of a script Octave entered the debug mode,
 and to print the code in the script surrounding the point where Octave
 entered debug mode.
  -- : dbwhere
      In debugging mode, report the current file and line number where
      execution is stopped.
      See also: Seedbstack XREFdbstack, Seedblist XREFdblist,
DONTPRINTYET       Seedbstatus XREFdbstatus, Seedbcont XREFdbcont, *noteDONTPRINTYET       Seedbstatus XREFdbstatus, Seedbcont XREFdbcont, See
      dbstep XREFdbstep, Seedbup XREFdbup, Seedbdown XREFdbdown.
  -- : dbtype
  -- : dbtype LINENO
  -- : dbtype STARTL:ENDL
  -- : dbtype STARTL:END
  -- : dbtype FUNC
  -- : dbtype FUNC LINENO
  -- : dbtype FUNC STARTL:ENDL
  -- : dbtype FUNC STARTL:END
      Display a script file with line numbers.
      When called with no arguments in debugging mode, display the script
      file currently being debugged.
      An optional range specification can be used to list only a portion
      of the file.  The special keyword "end" is a valid line number
      specification for the last line of the file.
      When called with the name of a function, list that script file with
      line numbers.
      See also: Seedblist XREFdblist, Seedbwhere XREFdbwhere,
      Seedbstatus XREFdbstatus, Seedbstop XREFdbstop.
  -- : dblist
  -- : dblist N
      In debugging mode, list N lines of the function being debugged
      centered around the current line to be executed.
      If unspecified N defaults to 10 (+/- 5 lines)
      See also: Seedbwhere XREFdbwhere, Seedbtype XREFdbtype,
      Seedbstack XREFdbstack.
    You may also use ‘isdebugmode’ to determine whether the debugger is
 currently active.
  -- : isdebugmode ()
      Return true if in debugging mode, otherwise false.
      See also: Seedbwhere XREFdbwhere, Seedbstack XREFdbstack,
      Seedbstatus XREFdbstatus.
    Debug mode also allows single line stepping through a function using
 the command ‘dbstep’.
  -- : dbstep
  -- : dbstep N
  -- : dbstep in
  -- : dbstep out
  -- : dbnext ...
      In debugging mode, execute the next N lines of code.
      If N is omitted, execute the next single line of code.  If the next
      line of code is itself defined in terms of an m-file remain in the
      existing function.
      Using ‘dbstep in’ will cause execution of the next line to step
      into any m-files defined on the next line.
      Using ‘dbstep out’ will cause execution to continue until the
      current function returns.
      ‘dbnext’ is an alias for ‘dbstep’.
      See also: Seedbcont XREFdbcont, Seedbquit XREFdbquit.
    When in debug mode the <RETURN> key will execute the last entered
 command.  This is useful, for example, after hitting a breakpoint and
 entering ‘dbstep’ once.  After that, one can advance line by line
 through the code with only a single key stroke.