octave: Axes Properties Axes Properties
 The ‘axes’ properties are:
 ‘__modified__’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘activepositionproperty’: {"outerposition"} | "position"
      Specify which of "position" or "outerposition" properties takes
DONTPRINTYET       precedence when axes annotations extent changes.  See
      position property XREFaxesposition, and *noteDONTPRINTYET       precedence when axes annotations extent changes.  See
      position property XREFaxesposition, and See
      outerposition property XREFaxesposition.
 ‘alim’: def. ‘[0 1]’
      Transparency is not yet implemented for axes objects.  ‘alim’ is
 ‘alimmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘ambientlightcolor’: def. ‘[1 1 1]’
      ‘ambientlightcolor’ is unused.
 ‘beingdeleted’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘box’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether the axes has a surrounding box.
 ‘boxstyle’: {"back"} | "full"
      For 3-D axes, control whether the "full" box is drawn or only the 3
      "back" axes
 ‘busyaction’: "cancel" | {"queue"}
 ‘buttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘cameraposition’: three-element vector, def. ‘[0.50000 0.50000 9.16025]’
 ‘camerapositionmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘cameratarget’: three-element vector, def. ‘[0.50000 0.50000 0.50000]’
 ‘cameratargetmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘cameraupvector’: three-element vector, def. ‘[-0 1 0]’
 ‘cameraupvectormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘cameraviewangle’: scalar, def. ‘6.6086’
 ‘cameraviewanglemode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘children’ (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. ‘[](0x1)’
      Graphics handles of the axes’s children.
 ‘clim’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 1]’
      Define the limits for the color axis of image children.  Setting
      ‘clim’ also forces the ‘climmode’ property to be set to "manual".
      Seepcolor function XREFpcolor.
 ‘climmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘clipping’: "off" | {"on"}
      ‘clipping’ is unused.
 ‘clippingstyle’: {"3dbox"} | "rectangle"
      ‘clippingstyle’ is unused.
 ‘color’: colorspec, def. ‘[1 1 1]’
      Color of the axes background.  Seecolorspec Colors.
 ‘colororder’: N-by-3 RGB matrix, def. 7-by-3 double
      RGB values used by plot function for automatic line coloring.
 ‘colororderindex’: def. ‘1’
      ‘colororderindex’ is unused.
 ‘createfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Callback function executed immediately after axes has been created.
      Function is set by using default property on root object, e.g.,
      ‘set (0, "defaultaxescreatefcn", 'disp ("axes created!")')’.
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘currentpoint’: 2-by-3 matrix, def. 2-by-3 double
      Matrix ‘[xf, yf, zf; xb, yb, zb]’ which holds the coordinates (in
      axes data units) of the point over which the mouse pointer was when
      the mouse button was pressed.  If a mouse callback function is
      defined, ‘currentpoint’ holds the pointer coordinates at the time
      the mouse button was pressed.  For 3-D plots, the first row of the
      returned matrix specifies the point nearest to the current camera
      position and the second row the furthest point.  The two points
      forms a line which is perpendicular to the screen.
 ‘dataaspectratio’: three-element vector, def. ‘[1 1 1]’
      Specify the relative height and width of the data displayed in the
      axes.  Setting ‘dataaspectratio’ to ‘[1, 2]’ causes the length of
      one unit as displayed on the x-axis to be the same as the length of
      2 units on the y-axis.  Seedaspect function XREFdaspect.
      Setting ‘dataaspectratio’ also forces the ‘dataaspectratiomode’
      property to be set to "manual".
 ‘dataaspectratiomode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘deletefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Callback function executed immediately before axes is deleted.
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘drawmode’: "fast" | {"normal"}
 ‘fontangle’: "italic" | {"normal"}
      Control whether the font is italic or normal.
 ‘fontname’: string, def. "*"
      Name of the font used for axes annotations.
 ‘fontsize’: scalar, def. ‘10’
      Size of the font used for axes annotations.  See
      fontunits property XREFaxesfontunits.
 ‘fontsmoothing’: "off" | {"on"}
      ‘fontsmoothing’ is unused.
 ‘fontunits’: "centimeters" | "inches" | "normalized" | "pixels" | {"points"}
      Unit used to interpret ‘fontsize’ property.
 ‘fontweight’: "bold" | {"normal"}
      Control variant of base font used: bold, demi, light, normal.
 ‘gridalpha’: def. ‘0.15000’
      Transparency is not yet implemented for axes objects.  ‘gridalpha’
      is unused.
 ‘gridalphamode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
      ‘gridalphamode’ is unused.
 ‘gridcolor’: def. ‘[0.15000 0.15000 0.15000]’
      ‘gridcolor’ is unused.
 ‘gridcolormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
      ‘gridcolormode’ is unused.
 ‘gridlinestyle’: {"-"} | "–" | "-." | ":" | "none"
 ‘handlevisibility’: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}
      If ‘handlevisibility’ is "off", the axes’s handle is not visible in
      its parent’s "children" property.
 ‘hittest’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘interruptible’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘labelfontsizemultiplier’: def. ‘1.1000’
      Ratio between the x/y/zlabel fontsize and the tick label fontsize
 ‘layer’: {"bottom"} | "top"
      Control whether the axes is drawn below child graphics objects
      (ticks, labels, etc. covered by plotted objects) or above.
 ‘linestyleorder’: def. "-"
      ‘linestyleorder’ is unused.
 ‘linestyleorderindex’: def. ‘1’
      ‘linestyleorderindex’ is unused.
 ‘linewidth’: def. ‘0.50000’
      Width of the main axes lines
 ‘minorgridalpha’: def. ‘0.25000’
      Transparency is not yet implemented for axes objects.
      ‘minorgridalpha’ is unused.
 ‘minorgridalphamode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
      ‘minorgridalphamode’ is unused.
 ‘minorgridcolor’: def. ‘[0.10000 0.10000 0.10000]’
      ‘minorgridcolor’ is unused.
 ‘minorgridcolormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
      ‘minorgridcolormode’ is unused.
 ‘minorgridlinestyle’: "-" | "–" | "-." | {":"} | "none"
 ‘mousewheelzoom’: scalar in the range (0, 1), def. ‘0.50000’
      Fraction of axes limits to zoom for each wheel movement.
 ‘nextplot’: "add" | {"replace"} | "replacechildren"
      ‘nextplot’ is used by high level plotting functions to decide what
      to do with graphics objects already present in the axes.  See
      newplot function XREFnewplot.  The state of ‘nextplot’ is
      typically controlled using the ‘hold’ function.  See
      hold function XREFhold.
 ‘outerposition’: four-element vector, def. ‘[0 0 1 1]’
      Specify the position of the plot including titles, axes, and
      legend.  The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the
      lower left corner and width and height of the plot, in units
      normalized to the width and height of the plot window.  For
      example, ‘[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]’ sets the lower left corner of the
      axes at (0.2, 0.3) and the width and height to be 0.4 and 0.5
      respectively.  Seeposition property XREFaxesposition.
 ‘parent’: graphics handle
      Handle of the parent graphics object.
 ‘pickableparts’: "all" | "none" | {"visible"}
      ‘pickableparts’ is unused.
 ‘plotboxaspectratio’: def. ‘[1 1 1]’
      Seepbaspect function XREFpbaspect.  Setting
      ‘plotboxaspectratio’ also forces the ‘plotboxaspectratiomode’
      property to be set to "manual".
 ‘plotboxaspectratiomode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘position’: four-element vector, def. ‘[0.13000 0.11000 0.77500 0.81500]’
      Specify the position of the plot excluding titles, axes, and
      legend.  The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the
      lower left corner and width and height of the plot, in units
      normalized to the width and height of the plot window.  For
      example, ‘[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]’ sets the lower left corner of the
      axes at (0.2, 0.3) and the width and height to be 0.4 and 0.5
      respectively.  Seeouterposition property XREFaxesouterposition.
 ‘projection’: {"orthographic"} | "perspective"
      ‘projection’ is unused.
 ‘selected’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘selectionhighlight’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘sortmethod’: "childorder" | {"depth"}
      ‘sortmethod’ is unused.
 ‘tag’: string, def. ""
      A user-defined string to label the graphics object.
 ‘tickdir’: {"in"} | "out"
      Control whether axes tick marks project "in" to the plot box or
      "out".  Setting ‘tickdir’ also forces the ‘tickdirmode’ property to
      be set to "manual".
 ‘tickdirmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘ticklabelinterpreter’: "latex" | "none" | {"tex"}
      Control the way x/y/zticklabel properties are interpreted.  See
      Use of the interpreter property XREFinterpreterusage.
 ‘ticklength’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0.010000 0.025000]’
      Two-element vector ‘[2Dlen 3Dlen]’ specifying the length of the
      tickmarks relative to the longest visible axis.
 ‘tightinset’ (read-only): four-element vector, def. ‘[0.042857 0.042868 0.000000 0.023810]’
      Size of the ‘[left bottom right top]’ margins around the axes that
      enclose labels and title annotations.
 ‘title’: graphics handle
      Graphics handle of the title text object.
 ‘titlefontsizemultiplier’: positive scalar, def. ‘1.1000’
      Ratio between the title fontsize and the tick label fontsize
 ‘titlefontweight’: {"bold"} | "normal"
      Control variant of base font used for the axes title.
 ‘type’ (read-only): string
      Class name of the graphics object.  ‘type’ is always "axes"
 ‘uicontextmenu’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently
      associated to this axes object.
 ‘units’: "centimeters" | "characters" | "inches" | {"normalized"} | "pixels" | "points"
      Units used to interpret the "position", "outerposition", and
      "tightinset" properties.
 ‘userdata’: Any Octave data, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.
 ‘view’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 90]’
      Two-element vector ‘[azimuth elevation]’ specifying the viewpoint
      for three-dimensional plots
 ‘visible’: "off" | {"on"}
      If ‘visible’ is "off", the axes is not rendered on screen.
 ‘xaxislocation’: {"bottom"} | "origin" | "top" | "zero"
      Control the x axis location.
 ‘xcolor’: {colorspec} | "none", def. ‘[0.15000 0.15000 0.15000]’
      Color of the x-axis.  Seecolorspec Colors.  Setting ‘xcolor’
      also forces the ‘xcolormode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘xcolormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘xdir’: {"normal"} | "reverse"
      Direction of the x axis: "normal" is left to right.
 ‘xgrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether major x grid lines are displayed.
 ‘xlabel’: graphics handle
      Graphics handle of the x label text object.
 ‘xlim’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 1]’
      Two-element vector ‘[xmin xmax]’ specifying the limits for the
      x-axis.  Setting ‘xlim’ also forces the ‘xlimmode’ property to be
      set to "manual".  Seexlim function XREFxlim.
 ‘xlimmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘xminorgrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether minor x grid lines are displayed.
 ‘xminortick’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘xscale’: {"linear"} | "log"
 ‘xtick’: vector
      Position of x tick marks.  Setting ‘xtick’ also forces the
      ‘xtickmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘xticklabel’: string | cell array of strings, def. 1-by-6 cell
      Labels of x tick marks.  Setting ‘xticklabel’ also forces the
      ‘xticklabelmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘xticklabelmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘xticklabelrotation’: def. ‘0’
      ‘xticklabelrotation’ is unused.
 ‘xtickmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘yaxislocation’: {"left"} | "origin" | "right" | "zero"
      Control the y-axis location.
 ‘ycolor’: {colorspec} | "none", def. ‘[0.15000 0.15000 0.15000]’
      Color of the y-axis.  Seecolorspec Colors.
 ‘ycolormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘ydir’: {"normal"} | "reverse"
      Direction of the y-axis: "normal" is bottom to top.
 ‘ygrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether major y grid lines are displayed.
 ‘ylabel’: graphics handle
      Graphics handle of the y label text object.
 ‘ylim’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 1]’
      Two-element vector ‘[ymin ymax]’ specifying the limits for the
      y-axis.  Setting ‘ylim’ also forces the ‘ylimmode’ property to be
      set to "manual".  Seeylim function XREFylim.
 ‘ylimmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘yminorgrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether minor y grid lines are displayed.
 ‘yminortick’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘yscale’: {"linear"} | "log"
 ‘ytick’: vector
      Position of y tick marks.  Setting ‘ytick’ also forces the
      ‘ytickmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘yticklabel’: string | cell array of strings, def. 1-by-6 cell
      Labels of y tick marks.  Setting ‘yticklabel’ also forces the
      ‘yticklabelmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘yticklabelmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘yticklabelrotation’: def. ‘0’
      ‘yticklabelrotation’ is unused.
 ‘ytickmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘zcolor’: {colorspec} | "none", def. ‘[0.15000 0.15000 0.15000]’
      Color of the z-axis.  Seecolorspec Colors.
 ‘zcolormode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘zdir’: {"normal"} | "reverse"
 ‘zgrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether major z grid lines are displayed.
 ‘zlabel’: graphics handle
      Graphics handle of the z label text object.
 ‘zlim’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 1]’
      Two-element vector ‘[zmin zmaz]’ specifying the limits for the
      z-axis.  Setting ‘zlim’ also forces the ‘zlimmode’ property to be
      set to "manual".  Seezlim function XREFzlim.
 ‘zlimmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘zminorgrid’: {"off"} | "on"
      Control whether minor z grid lines are displayed.
 ‘zminortick’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘zscale’: {"linear"} | "log"
 ‘ztick’: vector
      Position of z tick marks.  Setting ‘ztick’ also forces the
      ‘ztickmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘zticklabel’: string | cell array of strings, def. 1-by-6 cell
      Labels of z tick marks.  Setting ‘zticklabel’ also forces the
      ‘zticklabelmode’ property to be set to "manual".
 ‘zticklabelmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
 ‘zticklabelrotation’: def. ‘0’
      ‘zticklabelrotation’ is unused.
 ‘ztickmode’: {"auto"} | "manual"