nxml-mode: Inserting end-tags

 3 Inserting end-tags
 The main redundancy in XML syntax is end-tags.  nXML mode provides
 several ways to make it easier to enter end-tags.  You can use all of
 these without a schema.
    You can use ‘C-M-i’ after ‘</’ to complete the rest of the end-tag.
    ‘C-c C-f’ inserts an end-tag for the element containing point.  This
 command is useful when you want to input the start-tag, then input the
 content and finally input the end-tag.  The ‘f’ is mnemonic for finish.
    If you want to keep tags balanced and input the end-tag at the same
 time as the start-tag, before inputting the content, then you can use
 ‘C-c C-i’.  This inserts a ‘>’, then inserts the end-tag and leaves
 point before the end-tag.  ‘C-c C-b’ is similar but more convenient for
 block-level elements: it puts the start-tag, point and the end-tag on
 successive lines, appropriately indented.  The ‘i’ is mnemonic for
 inline and the ‘b’ is mnemonic for block.
    Finally, you can customize nXML mode so that ‘/’ automatically
 inserts the rest of the end-tag when it occurs after ‘<’, by doing
      ‘M-x customize-variable <RET> nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag <RET>’
 and then following the instructions in the displayed buffer.