music-glossary: multi-measure rest

 1.209 multi-measure rest
 ES: compases de espera, silencio multicompás, I: pausa multipla, F:
 pause multiple, mesure à compter, NL: meermaats rust, D: mehrtaktige
 Pause, Kirchenpause, DK: flertaktspause, S: flertaktspaus, FI: usean
 tahdin mittainen tauko.
    Multi-measure rests are conventionally typeset with a combination of
 longa, breve and whole rests for shorter and a long horizontal bar for
 longer spans of rest, with a number above to indicate the duration (in
 measures) of the rest.  The former style is called ‘Kirchenpausen’ in
 German, as a reminiscence of its use in Renaissance vocal polyphony.
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 See also
    Seelonga, Seebreve.