music-glossary: harmonics

 1.152 harmonics
 ES: armónicos, sonidos aflautados, I: armonici, F: flageolet, sons
 harmoniques, D: Flageolett-Töne, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, FI: harmoniset
 äänet, huiluäänet.
    The general class of pitches produced by sounding the second or
 higher harmonic of a tone producer: string, column of air, and so on.
    On stringed instruments, these pitches sound rather flute-like;
 hence, their name in languages other than English.  They are produced by
 lightly touching the string at a node for the desired mode of vibration
 while it is being bowed or plucked.
    For instruments of the violin family, there are two types of
 harmonics: natural harmonics, which are those played on the open string;
 and artificial harmonics, which are produced on stopped strings.
 See also
    No cross-references.