music-glossary: appoggiatura

 1.19 appoggiatura
 ES: apoyatura, I: appoggiatura, F: appoggiature, (port de voix), D:
 Vorschlag, Vorhalt NL: (korte) voorslag, DK: forslag, S: förslag, FI:
 appoggiatura, etuhele.
    Ornamental note, usually a second, that is melodically connected with
 the main note following it.  In music before the 19th century
 appoggiature were usually performed on the beat, after that mostly
 before the beat.  While the short appoggiatura is performed as a short
 note regardless of the duration of the main note the duration of the
 long appoggiatura is proportional to that of the main note.
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    An appoggiatura may have more notes preceding the main note.
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 See also
    No cross-references.