mjpeg-howto: Trading Quality/Speed

 10 Trading Quality/Speed
 If absolute quality is your objective a modest improvement can be
 achieved using the -4 and -2 flags.  These control how ruthlessly
 mpeg2enc discards bad looking matches between sections of adjacent
 frames during the early stages of the search when it is working with
 4*4 and 2*2 clusters of pixels rather than individual pixels. Setting
 -4 1 -2 1 maximizes quality. -4 4 -2 4 maximizes speed. Note that
 because the statistical criteria mpeg2enc uses for discarding bad
 looking matches are usually fairly reliable the increase/decrease in
 quality is modest (but noticeable).
    Reducing the radius of the search for matching sections of images
 also increases speed. However due to the way the search algorithm works
 the search radius is in effect rounded to the nearest multiple of 8.
 Furthermore, on modern CPU's the speed gained by reducing the radius
 below 16 is not large enough to make the marked quality reduction
 worthwhile for most applications.
