mjpeg-howto: Interoperability

 12 Interoperability
 Quicktime files capturing using lavrec can be edited using
 Broadcast2000.  But Broadcast2000 is not available any more on
 heroinewarrior.  mjpeg AVI files captured using the streamer tool from
 the xawtv package can be edited and compressed and played back using
 software.  Hardware playback is not possible for such files due to
 limitations in the Zoran hardware currently supported. Videos recorded
 with NuppelVideo can also be processed with the mjpeg tools.
    If you have a Macintosh (MAC) and want to use the mjpeg tools look
 there: http://www.sjoki.uta.fi/~shmhav/SVCD_on_a_Macintosh.html
    If you want to compile the mjpeg-tools on your MAC, our just want
 mpeg2enc and mplex compiled for the MAC take a look here:
    MPEG files produced using the tools are know to play back correctly
    * dxr2 (hardware decoder card)
    * xine http://xine.sourceforge.net/
    * dvdview http://rachmaninoff.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/dvdview/
    * xmovie http://heroinewarrior.com/xmovie.php3
    * mplayer http://www.mplayerihq.hu/
    * vlc http://www.videolan.org/
    * MPEG1 only: gtv
    * MS Media player version 6 and 7
    * SW DVD Player
    To find out what you HW-player (most of the time DVD player) can do
 take a look at: http://www.videohelp.com
    It seems that the MS Media player likes MPEG-1 streams more if you
 have used -f 1 when multiplexing.
    If you have any problems or suggestions feel free to mail me
 (Bernhard Praschinger): waldviertler@users.sourceforge.net There is a
 lot of stuff added from the HINTS which Andrew Stevens created.
 Wolfgang Goeller and Steven M. Schultz checked the document for bugs
 and spelling mistakes.
    And to the people who have helped me with program descriptions and
 hints, `thanks'