mf2pt1: Font information

 2.2 Specifying font information
 Metafont fonts normally specify a set of *fontdimen*s which provide
 information about a particular font that cannot otherwise be inferred.
 These include features such as the font's x-height, quad width,
 interword stretchability and shrinkability, and other design
 characteristics that TeX makes use of.  PostScript fonts utilize a
 largely different set of font parameters, such as the underline position
 and thickness, font family name, and copyright notice.  'mf2pt1'
 provides Metafont commands to define the PostScript font parameters in
 the generated Type 1 font.  These parameters should appear in the
 Metafont source file as follows:
      if known ps_output:
 'ps_output' is defined by 'mf2pt1' but not by Plain Metafont.  Checking
 if it is known is the recommended way to determine if the font is being
 built under 'mf2pt1'.
