m4: Dnl

 8.1 Deleting whitespace in input
 The builtin 'dnl' stands for "Discard to Next Line":
  -- Builtin: dnl
      All characters, up to and including the next newline, are discarded
      without performing any macro expansion.  A warning is issued if the
      end of the file is encountered without a newline.
      The expansion of 'dnl' is void.
    It is often used in connection with 'define', to remove the newline
 that follows the call to 'define'.  Thus
      define(`foo', `Macro `foo'.')dnl A very simple macro, indeed.
      =>Macro foo.
    The input up to and including the next newline is discarded, as
 opposed to the way comments are treated (SeeComments).
    Usually, 'dnl' is immediately followed by an end of line or some
 other whitespace.  GNU 'm4' will produce a warning diagnostic if 'dnl'
 is followed by an open parenthesis.  In this case, 'dnl' will collect
 and process all arguments, looking for a matching close parenthesis.
 All predictable side effects resulting from this collection will take
 place.  'dnl' will return no output.  The input following the matching
 close parenthesis up to and including the next newline, on whatever line
 containing it, will still be discarded.
      dnl(`args are ignored, but side effects occur',
      define(`foo', `like this')) while this text is ignored: undefine(`foo')
      error->m4:stdin:1: Warning: excess arguments to builtin `dnl' ignored
      See how `foo' was defined, foo?
      =>See how foo was defined, like this?
    If the end of file is encountered without a newline character, a
 warning is issued and dnl stops consuming input.
      m4wrap(`m4wrap(`2 hi
      ')0 hi dnl 1 hi')
      define(`hi', `HI')
      error->m4:stdin:1: Warning: end of file treated as newline
      =>0 HI 2 HI