lilypond-web: Freedom

 Free Software
 GNU ( LilyPond is written and maintained by a
 community of enthusiasts.  It is published under the SeeGNU General
 Public License GPL. and the SeeGNU Free Documentation License FDL,
 giving everybody the freedom to fix, modify, and extend the program.
 Creating beautiful music should not require hundreds of dollars of
 What are the benefits to users?
    • No cost: download and try it out!  What do you have to lose?
    • Sharing: if you like the program, give a copy to your friends,
      teachers, students, and colleagues!
    • Source available: if you are curious about how LilyPond creates
      some notation, you can see exactly how it is done.
    • Extendible: you can add features, fix bugs, and change the
      functionality.  If you are not a programmer, you can hire somebody
      to do those tasks.
      This may not seem appealing to casual musicians, but the ability to
      extend software can be highly valuable to serious composers,
      companies, and academics.
    • Future safety: if a commercial company goes bankrupt, what happens
      to any electronic music which depends on their products?  This is
      not a concern with LilyPond; even if the entire development team
      quits (extremely unlikely), the program will still be legally
      available for copying, modifications, and distribution.
 Why do LilyPond developers “give away” their work for free?
 Most of us view LilyPond development as a hobby or volunteer work.  So
 this question is really asking “why do people volunteer”?
    • Fun: working towards a goal can be enjoyable, especially when you
      work as a team!
    • Shared goals: we all want beautiful sheet music, but few people
      have the expertise (and nobody has the time!), to create a program
      which can handle all situations.  By working together – one person
      improves the automatic beaming code, another person improves the
      shape of slurs, and a third person writes documentation explaining
      how to use these features – we can achieve our goal with only a
      fraction of the individual effort.
    • “Gift culture”: the Free Software movement has created many great
      software projects, such as GNU/Linux (, Mozilla
      Firefox (, and Battle for Wesnoth
      (  Having benefitted from these projects,
      some developers want to “give back” to the community.
    • Work experience: contributing to free software projects is a great
      way to practice programming, documentation writing, documentation
      translation, or design.  This experience has helped some developers
      gain job offers or scholarships.
 Where now?
 Still not convinced?  Read our extensive essay about our engraving
 philosophy in SeeBackground.  If you’ve already decided to try
 LilyPond, first read about our SeeText input.