lilypond-usage: Large projects

 5.3 Large projects
 When working on a large project, having a clear structure to your
 lilypond input files becomes vital.
    • *Use a variable for each voice*, with a minimum of structure inside
      the definition.  The structure of the ‘\score’ section is the most
      likely thing to change; the ‘violin’ definition is extremely
      unlikely to change in a new version of LilyPond.
           violin = \relative c'' {
           g4 c'8. e16
           \score {
             \new GrandStaff {
               \new Staff {
    • *Separate tweaks from music definitions*.  This point was made
      previously, but for large projects it is absolutely vital.  We
      might need to change the definition of ‘fthenp’, but then we only
      need to do this once, and we can still avoid touching anything
      inside ‘violin’.
           fthenp = _\markup{
             \dynamic f \italic \small { 2nd } \hspace #0.1 \dynamic p }
           violin = \relative c'' {
           g4\fthenp c'8. e16