lilypond-usage: Advanced command line options for LilyPond

 Advanced command line options for LilyPond
      This sets the equivalent internal Scheme function to VALUE.
      If a VALUE is not supplied, then the default value is used.  The
      prefix ‘no-’ may be added to OPTION-NAME to switch ‘off’ an option,
      is the same as
 The following are supported along with their respective default values:
 *Symbol*                 *Value*      *Explanation/Options*
 ‘anti-alias-factor’      ‘1’          Render at higher resolution (using
                                       given factor) and scale down result
                                       to prevent ‘jaggies’ in ‘PNG’
 ‘aux-files’              ‘#t’         Create ‘.tex’, ‘.texi’, ‘.count’
                                       files in the ‘EPS’ backend.
 ‘backend’                ‘ps’         Select backend.  Postscript files
                                       (default) include ‘TTF’, ‘Type1’
                                       and ‘OTF’ fonts.  No subsetting of
                                       these fonts is done.  Using
                                       ‘oriental’ character sets can lead
                                       to very large files.
                          ‘eps’        Encapsulated PostScript.  This
                                       dumps every page (system) as a
                                       separate ‘EPS’ file, without fonts,
                                       and as one collated ‘EPS’ file with
                                       all pages (systems) including
                                       fonts.  Used as default by
                          ‘null’       Do not output a printed score; has
                                       the same effect as
                          ‘svg’        Scalable Vector Graphics.  This
                                       creates a single ‘SVG’ file,
                                       without embedded fonts, for every
                                       page of output.  It is recommended
                                       to install the Century Schoolbook
                                       fonts, included with your LilyPond
                                       installation, for optimal
                                       rendering.  Under UNIX, simply copy
                                       these fonts from the LilyPond
                                       directory (typically
                                       to ‘~/.fonts/’.  The ‘SVG’ output
                                       should be compatible with any SVG
                                       editor or user agent.  There is
                                       also an option ‘svg-woff’ (below)
                                       for use of woff font files in the
                                       SVG backend.
                          ‘scm’        Dump of the raw, internal
                                       Scheme-based drawing commands.
 ‘check-internal-types’   ‘#f’         Check every property assignment for
 ‘clip-systems’           ‘#f’         Generate cut-out snippets of a
 ‘datadir’                             Prefix for data files (read-only).
 ‘debug-gc’               ‘#f’         Dump memory debugging statistics.
 ‘debug-gc-assert-parsed-dead’‘#f’     For memory debugging: Ensure that
                                       all references to parsed objects
                                       are dead.  This is an internal
                                       option, and is switched on
                                       automatically for ‘`-ddebug-gc'’.
 ‘debug-lexer’            ‘#f’         Debug the flex lexer.
 ‘debug-page-breaking-scoring’‘#f’     Dump scores for many different page
                                       breaking configurations.
 ‘debug-parser’           ‘#f’         Debug the bison parser.
 ‘debug-property-callbacks’‘#f’        Debug cyclic callback chains.
 ‘debug-skylines’         ‘#f’         Debug skylines.
 ‘delete-intermediate-files’‘#t’       Delete the unusable, intermediate
                                       ‘.ps’ files created during
 ‘dump-cpu-profile’       ‘#f’         Dump timing information
 ‘dump-profile’           ‘#f’         Dump memory and time information
                                       for each file.
 ‘dump-signatures’        ‘#f’         Dump output signatures of each
                                       system.  Used for regression
 ‘eps-box-padding’        ‘#f’         Pad left edge of the output EPS
                                       bounding box by the given amount
                                       (in mm).
 ‘gs-load-fonts’          ‘#f’         Load fonts via Ghostscript.
 ‘gs-load-lily-fonts’     ‘#f’         Load only the LilyPond fonts via
 ‘gui’                    ‘#f’         Runs silently and redirect all
                                       output to a log file.
 Seeto Windows users* By default ‘lilypond.exe’ outputs all progress
 information to the command window, ‘lilypond-windows.exe’ does not and
 returns a prompt, with no progress information, immediately at the
 command line.  The ‘-dgui’ option can be used in this case to redirect
 output to a log file.
 ‘help’                   ‘#f’         Show this help.
 ‘include-book-title-preview’‘#t’      Include book titles in preview
 ‘include-eps-fonts’      ‘#t’         Include fonts in separate-system
                                       EPS files.
 ‘include-settings’       ‘#f’         Include file for global settings,
                                       this is included before the score
                                       is processed.
 ‘job-count’              ‘#f’         Process in parallel, using the
                                       given number of jobs.
 ‘log-file’               ‘#f          If string ‘FOO’ is given as a
                          [file]’      second argument, redirect output to
                                       the log file ‘FOO.log’.
 ‘max-markup-depth’       ‘1024’       Maximum depth for the markup tree.
                                       If a markup has more levels, assume
                                       it will not terminate on its own,
                                       print a warning and return a null
                                       markup instead.
 ‘midi-extension’         ‘"midi"’     Set the default file extension for
                                       MIDI output file to given string.
 ‘music-strings-to-paths’ ‘#f’         Convert text strings to paths when
                                       glyphs belong to a music font.
 ‘paper-size’             ‘\"a4\"’     Set default paper size.  Note the
                                       string must be enclosed in escaped
                                       double quotes.
 ‘pixmap-format’          ‘png16m’     Set GhostScript’s output format for
                                       pixel images.
 ‘point-and-click’        ‘#f’         Add ‘point & click’ links to ‘PDF’
                                       output.  See
                                       SeePoint and click.
 ‘preview’                ‘#f’         Create preview images in addition
                                       to normal output.
 This option is supported by all backends; ‘pdf’, ‘png’, ‘ps’, ‘eps’ and
 ‘svg’, but not ‘scm’.  It generates an output file, in the form
 ‘myFile.preview.extension’, containing the titles and the first system
 of music.  If ‘\book’ or ‘\bookpart’ blocks are used, the titles of
 ‘\book’, ‘\bookpart’ or ‘\score’ will appear in the output, including
 the first system of every ‘\score’ block if the ‘\paper’ variable
 ‘print-all-headers’ is set to ‘#t’.
    To suppress the usual output, use the ‘-dprint-pages’ or
 ‘-dno-print-pages’ options according to your requirements.
 ‘print-pages’            ‘#t’         Generate full pages, the default.
                                       ‘-dno-print-pages’ is useful in
                                       combination with ‘-dpreview’.
 ‘profile-property-accesses’‘#f’       Keep statistics of ‘get_property()’
                                       function calls.
 ‘protected-scheme-parsing’‘#t’        Continue when errors in inline
                                       scheme are caught in the parser.
                                       If set to ‘#f’, halt on errors and
                                       print a stack trace.
 ‘read-file-list’         ‘#f          Specify name of a file which
                          [file]’      contains a list of input files to
                                       be processed.
 ‘relative-includes’      ‘#f’         When processing an ‘\include’
                                       command, look for the included file
                                       relative to the current file
                                       (instead of the root file).
 ‘resolution’             ‘101’        Set resolution for generating ‘PNG’
                                       pixmaps to given value (in dpi).
 ‘safe’                   ‘#f’         Do not trust the ‘.ly’ input.
 When LilyPond formatting is available through a web server, either the
 ‘--safe’ or the ‘--jail’ option MUST be passed.  The ‘--safe’ option
 will prevent inline Scheme code from wreaking havoc, e.g,
      #(system "rm -rf /")
        c4^$(ly:gulp-file "/etc/passwd")
    The ‘-dsafe’ option works by evaluating in-line Scheme expressions in
 a special safe module.  This is derived from GUILE ‘safe-r5rs’ module,
 but also adds a number of functions of the LilyPond API which are listed
 in ‘scm/safe-lily.scm’.
    In addition, safe mode disallows ‘\include’ directives and disables
 the use of backslashes in TeX strings.  It is also not possible to
 import LilyPond variables into Scheme while in safe mode.
    ‘-dsafe’ does _not_ detect resource overuse, so it is still possible
 to make the program hang indefinitely, for example by feeding cyclic
 data structures into the backend.  Therefore, if using LilyPond on a
 publicly accessible webserver, the process should be limited in both CPU
 and memory usage.
    Safe mode will prevent many useful LilyPond snippets from being
    The ‘--jail’ is an even more secure alternative, but requires more
 work to set up.  See SeeBasic command line options for LilyPond.
 ‘separate-log-files’     ‘#f’         For input files ‘’,
                                       ‘’, etc.  output log data
                                       to files ‘FILE1.log’,
 ‘show-available-fonts’   ‘#f’         List available font names.
 ‘strict-infinity-checking’‘#f’        Force a crash on encountering ‘Inf’
                                       and ‘NaN’ floating point
 ‘strip-output-dir’       ‘#t’         Don’t use directories from input
                                       files while constructing output
                                       file names.
 ‘strokeadjust’           ‘#f’         Force PostScript stroke adjustment.
                                       This option is mostly relevant when
                                       ‘PDF’ is generated from PostScript
                                       output (stroke adjustment is
                                       usually enabled automatically for
                                       low-resolution bitmap devices).
                                       Without this option,
                                       ‘PDF’ previewers tend to produce
                                       widely inconsistent stem widths at
                                       resolutions typical for screen
                                       display.  The option does not
                                       noticeably affect print quality and
                                       causes large file size increases in
                                       ‘PDF’ files.
 ‘svg-woff’               ‘#f’         Use woff font files in SVG backend.
 ‘trace-memory-frequency’ ‘#f’         Record Scheme cell usage this many
                                       times per second.  Dump the results
                                       to ‘FILE.stacks’ and ‘FILE.graph’.
 ‘trace-scheme-coverage’  ‘#f’         Record coverage of Scheme files in
 ‘verbose’                ‘#f’         Verbose output, i.e.  loglevel at
                                       DEBUG (read-only).
 ‘warning-as-error’       ‘#f’         Change all warning and ‘programming
                                       error’ messages into errors.