lilypond-notation: Cheat sheet

 Appendix B Cheat sheet
 Syntax                    Description            Example
 ‘1 2 8 16’                durations              [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c4. c4..’                augmentation dots      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c d e f g a b ’          scale                  [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘fis bes’                 alteration             [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\clef treble \clef       clefs                  [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 bass ’
 ‘\time 3/4 \time 4/4 ’    time signature         [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘r4 r8’                   rest                   [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘d ~ d’                   tie                    [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\key es \major ’         key signature          [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 NOTE‘'’                   raise octave           [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 NOTE‘,’                   lower octave           [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c( d e)’                 slur                   [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c\( c( d) e\)’           phrasing slur          [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘a8[ b]’                  beam                   [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘<< \new Staff ... >>’    more staves            [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c-> c-.’                 articulations          [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘c2\mf c\sfz’             dynamics               [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘a\< a a\!’               crescendo              [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘a\> a a\!’               decrescendo            [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘< >’                     chord                  [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\partial 8’              pickup / upbeat        [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\tuplet 3/2 {f g a}’     triplets               [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\grace’                  grace notes            [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\lyricmode { twinkle     entering lyrics        twinkle
 ‘\new Lyrics’             printing lyrics        [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘twin -- kle’             lyric hyphen           [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘\chordmode { c:dim       chords                 [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 f:maj7 }’
 ‘\context ChordNames’     printing chord names   [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘<<{e f} \\ {c d}>>’      polyphony              [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 ‘s4 s8 s16’               spacer rests