lilypond-learning: Using variables for layout adjustments

 4.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
 Override commands are often long and tedious to type, and they have to
 be absolutely correct.  If the same overrides are to be used many times
 it may be worth defining variables to hold them.
    Suppose we wish to emphasize certain words in lyrics by printing them
 in bold italics.  The ‘\italic’ and ‘\bold’ commands only work within
 lyrics if they are embedded, together with the word or words to be
 modified, within a ‘\markup’ block, which makes them tedious to enter.
 The need to embed the words themselves prevents their use in simple
 variables.  As an alternative can we use ‘\override’ and ‘\revert’
      \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
      \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-series = #'bold
      \revert Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape
      \revert Lyrics.LyricText.font-series
    These would also be extremely tedious to enter if there were many
 words requiring emphasis.  But we _can_ define these as two variables
 and use those to bracket the words to be emphasized.  Another advantage
 of using variables for these overrides is that the spaces around the dot
 are not necessary, since they are not being interpreted in ‘\lyricmode’
 directly.  Here’s an example of this, although in practice we would
 choose shorter names for the variables to make them quicker to type:
      emphasize = {
        \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
        \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-series = #'bold
      normal = {
        \revert Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape
        \revert Lyrics.LyricText.font-series
      global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 }
      SopranoMusic = \relative c' { c4 | e4. e8 g4 g    | a4   a   g  }
      AltoMusic    = \relative c' { c4 | c4. c8 e4 e    | f4   f   e  }
      TenorMusic   = \relative c  { e4 | g4. g8 c4.  b8 | a8 b c d e4 }
      BassMusic    = \relative c  { c4 | c4. c8 c4 c    | f8 g a b c4 }
      VerseOne = \lyrics {
        E -- | ter -- nal \emphasize Fa -- ther, | \normal strong to save,
      VerseTwo = \lyricmode {
        O | \once \emphasize Christ, whose voice the | wa -- ters heard,
      VerseThree = \lyricmode {
        O | \emphasize Ho -- ly Spi -- rit, | \normal who didst brood
      VerseFour = \lyricmode {
        O | \emphasize Tri -- ni -- ty \normal of | love and pow'r
      \score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
          \new Staff <<
            \clef "treble"
            \new Voice = "Soprano"  { \voiceOne \global \SopranoMusic }
            \new Voice = "Alto" { \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { \VerseOne }
            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { \VerseTwo }
            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { \VerseThree }
            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { \VerseFour }
          \new Staff <<
            \clef "bass"
            \new Voice = "Tenor" { \voiceOne \TenorMusic }
            \new Voice = "Bass"  { \voiceTwo \BassMusic }
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]