lilypond-learning: Setting simple songs

 2.3.1 Setting simple songs
 Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)lyrics.
    Here is the start of the melody to a nursery rhyme, Girls and boys
 come out to play:
      \relative c'' {
        \key g \major
        \time 6/8
        d4 b8 c4 a8 | d4 b8 g4
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    The lyrics can be set to these notes, combining both with the
 ‘\addlyrics’ keyword.  Lyrics are entered by separating each syllable
 with a space.
        \relative c'' {
          \key g \major
          \time 6/8
          d4 b8 c4 a8 | d4 b8 g4
        \addlyrics {
          Girls and boys come | out to play,
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    Note the double angle brackets ‘<<...>>’ around the whole piece to
 show that the music and lyrics are to occur at the same time.