lilypond-learning: Organizing pieces with variables

 2.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
 When all of the elements discussed earlier are combined to produce
 larger files, the music expressions get a lot bigger.  In polyphonic
 music with many staves, the input files can become very confusing.  We
 can reduce this confusion by using _variables_.
    With variables (also known as identifiers or macros), we can break up
 complex music expressions.  A variable is assigned as follows:
      namedMusic = { ... }
    The contents of the music expression ‘namedMusic’ can be used later
 by placing a backslash in front of the name (‘\namedMusic’, just like a
 normal LilyPond command).
      violin = \new Staff {
        \relative c'' {
          a4 b c b
      cello = \new Staff {
        \relative c {
          \clef "bass"
          e2 d
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 The name of a variable must have alphabetic characters only, no numbers,
 underscores, or dashes.
    Variables must be defined _before_ the main music expression, but may
 be used as many times as required anywhere after they have been defined.
 They may even be used in a later definition of another variable, giving
 a way of shortening the input if a section of music is repeated many
      tripletA = \tuplet 3/2 { c,8 e g }
      barA = { \tripletA \tripletA \tripletA \tripletA }
      \relative c'' {
        \barA \barA
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    Variables may be used for many other types of objects in the input.
 For example,
      width = 4.5\cm
      name = "Wendy"
      aFivePaper = \paper { paperheight = 21.0 \cm }
    Depending on its contents, the variable can be used in different
 places.  The following example uses the above variables:
      \paper {
        line-width = \width