lilypond-learning: Fingerings

 Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)fingering.
    Similarly, fingering indications can be added to a note using a dash
 (‘-’) and the digit to be printed:
      c4-3 e-5 b-2 a-1
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    Articulations and fingerings are usually placed automatically, but
 you can specify a direction by replacing the dash (‘-’) with ‘^’ (up) or
 ‘_’ (down).  You can also use multiple articulations on the same note.
 However, in most cases it is best to let LilyPond determine the
 articulation directions.
      c4_-^1 d^. f^4_2-> e^-_+
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]