lilypond-learning: Automatic and manual beams

 2.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
 Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)beam.
    All beams are drawn automatically:
      a8 ais d ees r d c16 b a8
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    If you do not like the automatic beams, they may be overridden
 manually.  To correct just an occasional beam mark the first note to be
 beamed with ‘[’ and the last one with ‘]’.
      a8[ ais] d[ ees r d] c16 b a8
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
    If you want to turn off automatic beaming entirely or for an extended
 section of music, use the command ‘\autoBeamOff’ to turn off automatic
 beaming and ‘\autoBeamOn’ to turn it on again.
      a8 c b4 d8. c16 b4 |
      a8 c b4 d8. c16 b4 |
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]
 See also
DONTPRINTYET     Notation Reference: See(lilypond-notation)Automatic beams, *noteDONTPRINTYET     Notation Reference: See(lilypond-notation)Automatic beams, See
 (lilypond-notation)Manual beams.