lilypond-learning: Accidentals

DONTPRINTYET  Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)sharp, *noteDONTPRINTYET DONTPRINTYET  Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)sharp, See
 (music-glossary)flat, See(music-glossary)double sharp, *noteDONTPRINTYET DONTPRINTYET  Music Glossary: See(music-glossary)sharp, See
 (music-glossary)flat, See(music-glossary)double sharp, See
 (music-glossary)double flat, See(music-glossary)accidental.
    A sharp pitch is made by adding ‘is’ to the name, and a flat pitch by
 adding ‘es’.  As you might expect, a double sharp or double flat is made
 by adding ‘isis’ or ‘eses’.  This syntax is derived from note naming
 conventions in Nordic and Germanic languages, like German and Dutch.  To
 use other names for accidentals, see See(lilypond-notation)Note names
 in other languages.
      cis4 ees fisis, aeses
      [image src="" alt="[image of music]" text="image of music"]