latex2man: Package Specific Macros

 Package Specific Macros
 The following commands are provided:
      Option: \Opt{-o} will be typeset as -o.
      Argument: \Arg{filename} will be typeset as FILENAME.
      Option with Argument:
      \OptArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as -oFILENAME.
      Option with optional Argument:
      \OptoArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as -o[FILENAME].
      Optional option, e.g.  \oOpt{-o} will be typeset as [ -o ].
      Optional argument, e.g.  \oArg{filename} will be typeset as [
      FILENAME ].
      Optional option with argument, e.g.
      \oOptArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [ -oFILENAME ].
      Optional option with optional argument, e.g.
      \oOptoArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [ -o[FILENAME] ].
      used to typeset filenames, e.g.  \File{filename} will be typeset
      as `filename'.
      used to typeset program names, e.g.  \Prog{latex2man} will be
      typeset as latex2man.
      used to typeset references to other commands, e.g.
      \Cmd{latex2man}{1} will be typeset as latex2man(1).
      is typeset as |.
      (BackSlash) is typeset as \.
      is typeset as a ~.
      is typeset as ...
      us typeset as *.
      set .. as version information.
      set .. for the word _Version:_ in the footline.
      The default is \setVersionWord{Version:}.
      returns the version information.
      sets .. as date information.
      returns the date information.
      use to mark an Email address:
      \Email{} is typeset as:
      use to mark an URL: \URL{\Tilde vollmer} is
      typeset as
      the input file is read and processed until reading end-of-file or
      \LatexManEnd (at the beginning of a line).  LaTeXignores this
 `\Lbr, \Rbr'
      is typeset as [ and ] (these variants are needed only somtimes
      like in
      \item[FooBar\LBr xx \Lbr]. Usually [ ] will work.
 `\LBr, \RBr'
      is typeset as { and } (these variants are needed when using { or }
      as arguments to macros.
      is typeset as ^.
      is typeset as %.
      If processed with LaTeX causes a linebreak (i.e.  is equivalent to
      \\).In the output of latex2man this macro is ignored.
      If TexInfo output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e.  is
      equivalent to \\),otherwise ignored.
      If Man-Page output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e.  is
      equivalent to \\),otherwise ignored.
      If HTML output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e.  is
      equivalent to \\),otherwise ignored.
      An empty line.
      Produces some extra space, works also at the beginning of lines.
      The code of the second line looks like: \SP abc \SP\SP xx\\:
      abc       xx
      . abc     xx
      . . abc   xx
      Note: Due to some "problems" with TexInfo, the lines starting with
      \SP have a leading . (dot) in the TexInfo output, see -aCHAR.