kpathsea: Brace expansion

 5.3.4 Brace expansion
 'x{A,B}y' expands to 'xAy:xBy'.  For example:
 expands to 'foo/1/baz:foo/2/baz'.  ':' is the path separator on the
 current system; e.g., on a DOS system, it's ';'.
    Braces can be nested; for example, 'x{A,B{1,2}}y' expands to
    Multiple non-nested braces are expanded from right to left; for
 example, 'x{A,B}{1,2}y' expands to 'x{A,B}1y:x{A,B}2y', which expands to
    This feature can be used to implement multiple TeX hierarchies, by
 assigning a brace list to '$TEXMF', as mentioned in ''.
    You can also use the path separator instead of the comma.  The last
 example could have been written 'x{A:B}{1:2}y'.
    Brace expansion is implemented in the source file