ido: Ignoring

 5.3 Ignoring Buffers and Files
 Ido is capable of ignoring buffers, directories, files and extensions
 using regular expression.
  -- User Option: ido-ignore-buffers
      This variable takes a list of regular expressions for buffers to
      ignore in ‘ido-switch-buffer’.
  -- User Option: ido-ignore-directories
      This variable takes a list of regular expressions for
      (sub)directories names to ignore in ‘ido-dired’ and
  -- User Option: ido-ignore-files
      This variable takes a list of regular expressions for files to
      ignore in ‘ido-find-file’.
  -- User Option: ido-ignore-unc-host-regexps
      This variable takes a list of regular expressions matching UNC
      hosts to ignore.  The letter case will be ignored if
      ‘ido-downcase-unc-hosts’ is non-‘nil’.
    To make Ido use ‘completion-ignored-extensions’ you need to enable
      (setq ido-ignore-extensions t)
    Now you can customize ‘completion-ignored-extensions’ as well.  Go
 ahead and add all the useless object files, backup files, shared library
 files and other computing flotsam you don’t want Ido to show.
    *Please notice:* Ido will still complete the ignored elements if it
 would otherwise not show any other matches.  So if you type out the name
 of an ignored file, Ido will still let you open it just fine.