idlwave: Padding Operators

 4.9.2 Padding Operators
 Some operators can be automatically surrounded by spaces.  This can
 happen when the operator is typed, or later when the line is indented.
 IDLWAVE can pad the operators ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘,’, ‘=’, and ‘->’, as well as
 the modified assignment operators (‘AND=’, ‘OR=’, etc.).  This feature
 is turned off by default.  If you want to turn it on, customize the
 variables ‘idlwave-surround-by-blank’ and ‘idlwave-do-actions’ and turn
 both on.  You can also define similar actions for other operators by
 using the function ‘idlwave-action-and-binding’ in the mode hook.  For
 example, to enforce space padding of the ‘+’ and ‘*’ operators (outside
 of strings and comments, of course), try this in ‘.emacs’
      (add-hook 'idlwave-mode-hook
        (lambda ()
           (setq idlwave-surround-by-blank t)  ; Turn this type of actions on
           (idlwave-action-and-binding "*" '(idlwave-surround 1 1))
           (idlwave-action-and-binding "+" '(idlwave-surround 1 1))))
    Note that the modified assignment operators which begin with a word
 (‘AND=’, ‘OR=’, ‘NOT=’, etc.) require a leading space to be recognized
 (e.g., ‘vAND=4’ would be interpreted as a variable ‘vAND’).  Also note
 that since, e.g., ‘>’ and ‘>=’ are both valid operators, it is
 impossible to surround both by blanks while they are being typed.
 Similarly with ‘&’ and ‘&&’.  For these, a compromise is made: the
 padding is placed on the left, and if the longer operator is keyed in,
 on the right as well (otherwise you must insert spaces to pad right
 yourself, or press simply press Tab to repad everything if
 ‘idlwave-do-actions’ is on).
  -- User Option: idlwave-surround-by-blank (‘nil’)
      Non-‘nil’ means enable ‘idlwave-surround’.  If non-‘nil’, ‘=’, ‘<’,
      ‘>’, ‘&’, ‘,’, ‘->’, and the modified assignment operators (‘AND=’,
      ‘OR=’, etc.) are surrounded with spaces by ‘idlwave-surround’.
  -- User Option: idlwave-pad-keyword (‘t’)
      Non-‘nil’ means space-pad the ‘=’ in keyword assignments.