htmlfontify: Examples

 2.5 Examples
 The following is a lump of code I use to fontify source code on my site,
 <> (which was the reason, incidentally, that
 Htmlfontify was written in the first place).
      (defvar rtfm-section nil)
      ;; Constructs an appropriate header string to fit in with rtfm's
      ;; templating system, based on the file and the stylesheet string
      (defun rtfm-build-page-header (file style)
        (format "#define  TEMPLATE red+black.html
      #define  DEBUG    1
      #include <build/menu-dirlist|>\n
      html-css-url := /css/red+black.css
      title        := ( %s / src/%s )
      bodytag      :=
      head         <=STYLESHEET;\n
      main-title   := rtfm / %s / src/%s\n
      main-content <=MAIN_CONTENT;\n" rtfm-section file style rtfm-section file))
      ;; the footer:
      (defun rtfm-build-page-footer (file) "\nMAIN_CONTENT\n")
      (defun rtfm-fontify-buffer (section)
        (interactive "s section[eg- emacs / p4-blame]: ")
        (require 'htmlfontify)
        (let ((hfy-page-header  'rtfm-build-page-header)
      	(hfy-page-footer  'rtfm-build-page-footer)
      	(rtfm-section                     section))
      ;; Here's the function I actually call---it asks me for a section label,
      ;; and source and destination directories, and then binds a couple of
      ;; customization variable in a let before calling htmlfontify:
      (defun rtfm-build-source-docs (section srcdir destdir)
         "s section[eg- emacs / p4-blame]:\nD source-dir: \nD output-dir: ")
        (require 'htmlfontify)
        (hfy-load-tags-cache srcdir)
        (let ((hfy-page-header  'rtfm-build-page-header)
      	(hfy-page-footer  'rtfm-build-page-footer)
      	(rtfm-section                     section)
      	(hfy-index-file                   "index")
      	(auto-mode-alist (append auto-mode-alist
      				 '(("dbi\\(shell\\|gtk\\)$" . cperl-mode)
      				   ("\\.xpm$"               . c-mode    ))))
          (htmlfontify-run-etags srcdir)
          (htmlfontify-copy-and-link-dir srcdir destdir ".src" ".html")))