htmlfontify: Customization

 3 Customization
 Htmlfontify provides the following variable and customization entries:
      Set this to a function, which will be called with one argument (a
      ‘{ foo: bar; ...}’ CSS style-string)—it should return a copy of its
      argument, altered so as to make any changes you want made for text
      which is a hyperlink, in addition to being in the class to which
      that style would normally be applied.
      Regex to match (with a single back-reference per match) strings in
DONTPRINTYET       HTML which should be quoted with Seehfy-html-quote (and *noteDONTPRINTYET       HTML which should be quoted with Seehfy-html-quote (and See
      hfy-html-quote-map) to make them safe.
      As Seehfy-page-header, but generates the output footer (and
      takes only 1 argument, the filename).
      Display class to use to determine which display class to use when
      calculating a face’s attributes.  This is useful when, for example,
      you are running Emacs on a tty or in batch mode, and want
      Htmlfontify to have access to the face spec you would use if you
      were connected to an X display.
      Some valid class specification elements are:
             (class      color)
             (class      grayscale)
             (background dark)
             (background light)
             (type       x-toolkit)
             (type       tty)
             (type       motif)
             (type       lucid)
      Multiple values for a tag may be combined, to indicate that any one
      or more of these values in the specification key constitutes a
      match.  For example, ‘((class color grayscale) (type tty))’ would
      match any of:
             ((class color))
             ((class grayscale))
             ((class color grayscale)))
             ((class color foo))
             ((type  tty))
             ((type  tty) (class color))
      Function called with two arguments (the filename relative to the
      top level source directory being etagged and fontified), and a
      string containing the ‘<style>...</style>’ text to embed in the
      document—the string returned will be used as the header for the
      htmlfontified version of the source file.
      See also: Seehfy-page-footer
      String to add to the ‘<style> a’ variant of an Htmlfontify CSS
      Whether or not to split the index Seehfy-index-file
      alphabetically on the first letter of each tag.  Useful when the
      index would otherwise be large and take a long time to render or be
      difficult to navigate.
      The “find” command used to harvest a list of files to attempt to
      File extension used for output files.
      Fallback ‘defface’ specification for the face ‘default’, used when
      Seehfy-display-class has been set (the normal Htmlfontify way
      of extracting potentially non-current face information doesn’t
      necessarily work for ‘default’).
      For example, I customize this to:
           ((t :background "black" :foreground "white" :family "misc-fixed"))
      List of functions to call when starting htmlfontify-buffer to do
      any kludging necessary to get highlighting modes to behave as you
      want, even when not running under a window system.
      Should be set to a Bourne compatible shell, which will be invoked
      for the more complex shell interactions needed by Htmlfontify.
      Currently this is only required/used when using GNU etags, see
      Seehfy-etags-cmd-alist for details.
      Optimizations to turn on.  So far, the following have been
           If two (or more) span tags are adjacent, identical and
           separated by nothing more than whitespace, they will be merged
           into one span.
           Suppress hyperlinking of tags found in comments.
           Suppress hyperlinking of tags found in strings.
           Add ‘<div class="default"> </div>’ tags around the fontified
           body.  (Some people like this because they cut and paste the
           html into a page with different colors than the fontified
           Preserve overlay highlighting (cf. ‘ediff’ or ‘goo-font-lock’)
           as well as basic faces.  Can result in extremely verbose
           highlighting if there are many overlays (as is the case with
      And the following are planned but not yet available:
           Suppress hyperlinking between files highlighted by different
      Note: like compiler optimizations, these optimize the _output_ of
      the code, not the processing of the source itself, and are
      therefore likely to slow Htmlfontify down, at least a little.
      Except for skip-refontification, which can never slow you down, but
      may result in incomplete fontification.
      Regex to remove from the ‘<style> a’ variant of an Htmlfontify CSS
      File extension used for href links—useful where the Htmlfontify
      output files are going to be processed again, with a resulting
      change in file extension.  If ‘nil’, then any code using this
      should fall back to Seehfy-extn.
      Command to run with the name of a file, to see whether it is a text
      file or not.  The command should emit a string containing the word
      ‘text’ if the file is a text file, and a string not containing
      ‘text’ otherwise.
      An alist of possible shell commands that will generate etags output
      that Htmlfontify can use.  ‘%s’ will be replaced by See
      The location of the etags binary (we begin by assuming it’s in your
      Note that if etags is not in your path, you will need to alter the
      shell commands in Seehfy-etags-cmd-alist.
      [As of version 0.17, this requirement has been removed: it should
      all just work(tm).]
      An etags shell command to run in the source directory to generate a
      tags file for the whole source tree from there on down.  The
      command should emit the etags output on standard output.
      Two canned commands are provided—they drive Emacs’s etags and
      exuberant-ctags’s etags respectively.
      Regex used to parse an etags entry: must have 3 subexps,
      corresponding, in order, to:
        1. The tag
        2. The line
        3. The character (point) at which the tag occurs
      Name (sans extension) of the index file produced during
      Name (sans extension) of the tag usage index file produced during
      An alist of character -> entity mappings used to make the text