grub2: sendkey

 16.3.65 sendkey
  -- Command: sendkey
           'on'|'off']... ['no-led'] keystroke
      Insert keystrokes into the keyboard buffer when booting.  Sometimes
      an operating system or chainloaded boot loader requires particular
      keys to be pressed: for example, one might need to press a
      particular key to enter "safe mode", or when chainloading another
      boot loader one might send keystrokes to it to navigate its menu.
      You may provide up to 16 keystrokes (the length of the BIOS
      keyboard buffer).  Keystroke names may be upper-case or lower-case
      letters, digits, or taken from the following table:
      Name                          Key
      escape                        Escape
      exclam                        !
      at                            @
      numbersign                    #
      dollar                        $
      percent                       %
      caret                         ^
      ampersand                     &
      asterisk                      *
      parenleft                     (
      parenright                    )
      minus                         -
      underscore                    _
      equal                         =
      plus                          +
      backspace                     Backspace
      tab                           Tab
      bracketleft                   [
      braceleft                     {
      bracketright                  ]
      braceright                    }
      enter                         Enter
      control                       press and release Control
      semicolon                     ;
      colon                         :
      quote                         '
      doublequote                   "
      backquote                     '
      tilde                         ~
      shift                         press and release left Shift
      backslash                     \
      bar                           |
      comma                         ,
      less                          <
      period                        .
      greater                       >
      slash                         /
      question                      ?
      rshift                        press and release right Shift
      alt                           press and release Alt
      space                         space bar
      capslock                      Caps Lock
      F1                            F1
      F2                            F2
      F3                            F3
      F4                            F4
      F5                            F5
      F6                            F6
      F7                            F7
      F8                            F8
      F9                            F9
      F10                           F10
      F11                           F11
      F12                           F12
      num1                          1 (numeric keypad)
      num2                          2 (numeric keypad)
      num3                          3 (numeric keypad)
      num4                          4 (numeric keypad)
      num5                          5 (numeric keypad)
      num6                          6 (numeric keypad)
      num7                          7 (numeric keypad)
      num8                          8 (numeric keypad)
      num9                          9 (numeric keypad)
      num0                          0 (numeric keypad)
      numperiod                     .  (numeric keypad)
      numend                        End (numeric keypad)
      numdown                       Down (numeric keypad)
      numpgdown                     Page Down (numeric keypad)
      numleft                       Left (numeric keypad)
      numcenter                     5 with Num Lock inactive (numeric
      numright                      Right (numeric keypad)
      numhome                       Home (numeric keypad)
      numup                         Up (numeric keypad)
      numpgup                       Page Up (numeric keypad)
      numinsert                     Insert (numeric keypad)
      numdelete                     Delete (numeric keypad)
      numasterisk                   * (numeric keypad)
      numminus                      - (numeric keypad)
      numplus                       + (numeric keypad)
      numslash                      / (numeric keypad)
      numenter                      Enter (numeric keypad)
      delete                        Delete
      insert                        Insert
      home                          Home
      end                           End
      pgdown                        Page Down
      pgup                          Page Up
      down                          Down
      up                            Up
      left                          Left
      right                         Right
      As well as keystrokes, the 'sendkey' command takes various options
      that affect the BIOS keyboard status flags.  These options take an
      'on' or 'off' parameter, specifying that the corresponding status
      flag be set or unset; omitting the option for a given status flag
      will leave that flag at its initial state at boot.  The '--num',
      '--caps', '--scroll', and '--insert' options emulate setting the
      corresponding mode, while the '--numkey', '--capskey',
      '--scrollkey', and '--insertkey' options emulate pressing and
      holding the corresponding key.  The other status flag options are
      If the '--no-led' option is given, the status flag options will
      have no effect on keyboard LEDs.
      If the 'sendkey' command is given multiple times, then only the
      last invocation has any effect.
      Since 'sendkey' manipulates the BIOS keyboard buffer, it may cause
      hangs, reboots, or other misbehaviour on some systems.  If the
      operating system or boot loader that runs after GRUB uses its own
      keyboard driver rather than the BIOS keyboard functions, then
      'sendkey' will have no effect.
      This command is only available on PC BIOS systems.