grep: Matching Control

 2.1.2 Matching Control
      Use PATTERN as the pattern.  If this option is used multiple times
      or is combined with the ‘-f’ (‘--file’) option, search for all
      patterns given.  (‘-e’ is specified by POSIX.)
 ‘-f FILE’
      Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line.  If this option is used
      multiple times or is combined with the ‘-e’ (‘--regexp’) option,
      search for all patterns given.  The empty file contains zero
      patterns, and therefore matches nothing.  (‘-f’ is specified by
      Ignore case distinctions, so that characters that differ only in
      case match each other.  Although this is straightforward when
      letters differ in case only via lowercase-uppercase pairs, the
      behavior is unspecified in other situations.  For example,
      uppercase “S” has an unusual lowercase counterpart “ſ” (Unicode
      character U+017F, LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S) in many locales, and
      it is unspecified whether this unusual character matches “S” or “s”
      even though uppercasing it yields “S”.  Another example: the
      lowercase German letter “ß” (U+00DF, LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S) is
      normally capitalized as the two-character string “SS” but it does
      not match “SS”, and it might not match the uppercase letter “ẞ”
      (U+1E9E, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S) even though lowercasing the
      latter yields the former.
      ‘-y’ is an obsolete synonym that is provided for compatibility.
      (‘-i’ is specified by POSIX.)
      Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.  (‘-v’
      is specified by POSIX.)
      Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words.
      The test is that the matching substring must either be at the
      beginning of the line, or preceded by a non-word constituent
      character.  Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or
      followed by a non-word constituent character.  Word-constituent
      characters are letters, digits, and the underscore.  This option
      has no effect if ‘-x’ is also specified.
      Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line.  For a
      regular expression pattern, this is like parenthesizing the pattern
      and then surrounding it with ‘^’ and ‘$’.  (‘-x’ is specified by