gpm: Emacs Support

 5.3 Emacs Support
 Emacs support is quite complete as of 0.14.  The enclosed file
 't-mouse.el', also available in byte-compiled form, is used to pass
 mouse events to emacs.  't-mouse.elc' is installed in the correct
 site-lisp directory for you emacs installation (as detected by the
 configure phase).
    Events with modifiers other than Meta, Control, and Shift are not
 managed by the library.  Managed events are passed to the lisp program,
 which converts them to be similar to X mouse events inside emacs.
 Actions are then invoked through a local keymap.
    In my own environment I can use mouse-only and meta mouse within
 emacs, shift-mouse to run selection and control-mouse to run 'gpm-root'.
    I suggest to put the following form in your own '.emacs' file, to
 avoid loading 't-mouse' when you aren't working on the Linux console:
      (if (and (string-match ".*-linux" system-configuration)
               (or (string-match "linux" (getenv "TERM"))
                   (string-match "con.*" (getenv "TERM"))))
          (load-library "t-mouse"))
    Mouse events are appended to the list variable
 'unread-command-events' where the Emacs main event loop will find them.
 They can be made to trigger any command (or interactive function, in
 Emacs Lisp terminology) at all.  Actually Emacs already comes with
 reasonable bindings for most mouse events, so usually you won't have to
 do anything beyond installing 't-mouse'.  If you want to modify what
 Emacs does in response to mouse events, please see See
    The scrollbar sits on the last column of the screen, though it is not
 visible.  When you click on the last column, a scroll-bar action is
 taken.  If this annoys you, again it can be turned off by changing the
 appropriate Emacs keymap.
    If you kill the 'gpm' server, Emacs won't respond to mouse events any
 more.  If the server is then restarted, you can invoke ''M-x
 t-mouse-run'' to restart mouse responsiveness in the editor.