gnus: The gmane Engine The gmane Engine
 The ‘gmane’ engine requires no configuration.
    Gmane queries follow a simple query language:
 ‘Boolean query operators’
      AND, OR, NOT (or AND NOT), and XOR are supported, and brackets can
      be used to control operator precedence, e.g., (emacs OR xemacs) AND
      linux.  Note that operators must be written with all capital
      letters to be recognized.
 ‘Required and excluded terms’
      + and − can be used to require or exclude terms, e.g., football
 ‘Unicode handling’
      The search engine converts all text to utf-8, so searching should
      work in any language.
      Common English words (like ’the’ and ’a’) are ignored by default.
      You can override this by prefixing such words with a + (e.g., +the)
      or enclosing the word in quotes (e.g., "the").
    The query can be limited to articles by a specific author using a
 prefix-arg.  After inputting the query this will prompt for an author
 name (or part of a name) to match.