gnus: Group Topics

 2.16 Group Topics
 If you read lots and lots of groups, it might be convenient to group
 them hierarchically according to topics.  You put your Emacs groups over
 here, your sex groups over there, and the rest (what, two groups or so?)
 you put in some misc section that you never bother with anyway.  You can
 even group the Emacs sex groups as a sub-topic to either the Emacs
 groups or the sex groups—or both!  Go wild!
    Here’s an example:
        Emacs -- I wuw it!
           3: comp.emacs
           2: alt.religion.emacs
          Naughty Emacs
           8: comp.binaries.fractals
          13: comp.sources.unix
    To get this _fab_ functionality you simply turn on (ooh!)  the
 ‘gnus-topic’ minor mode—type ‘t’ in the group buffer.  (This is a
 toggling command.)
    Go ahead, just try it.  I’ll still be here when you get back.  La de
 dum... Nice tune, that... la la la... What, you’re back?  Yes, and now
 press ‘l’.  There.  All your groups are now listed under ‘misc’.
 Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?  Hot and bothered?
    If you want this permanently enabled, you should add that minor mode
 to the hook for the group mode.  Put the following line in your
 ‘~/.gnus.el’ file:
      (add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'gnus-topic-mode)
