gnupg: gpgtar

 8.11 Encrypt or sign files into an archive
 'gpgtar' encrypts or signs files into an archive.  It is an gpg-ized tar
 using the same format as used by PGP's PGP Zip.
 'gpgtar' is invoked this way:
      gpgtar [options] FILENAME1 [FILENAME2, ...] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY2, ...]
 'gpgtar' understands these options:
      Put given files and directories into a vanilla "ustar" archive.
      Extract all files from a vanilla "ustar" archive.
      Encrypt given files and directories into an archive.  This option
      may be combined with option '--symmetric' for an archive that may
      be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase.
      Extract all files from an encrypted archive.
      Make a signed archive from the given files and directories.  Thsi
      can be combined with option '--encrypt' to create a signed and then
      encrypted archive.
      List the contents of the specified archive.
      Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase.  The default
      symmetric cipher used is AES-128, but may be chosen with the
      '--cipher-algo' option to 'gpg'.
 '--recipient USER'
 '-r USER'
      Encrypt for user id USER.  For details see 'gpg'.
 '--local-user USER'
 '-u USER'
      Use USER as the key to sign with.  For details see 'gpg'.
 '--output FILE'
 '-o FILE'
      Write the archive to the specified file FILE.
      Enable extra informational output.
      Try to be as quiet as possible.
      Skip all crypto operations and create or extract vanilla "ustar"
      Do not actually output the extracted files.
 '--directory DIR'
 '-C DIR'
      Extract the files into the directory DIR.  The default is to take
      the directory name from the input filename.  If no input filename
      is known a directory named 'GPGARCH' is used.
 '--files-from FILE'
 '-T FILE'
      Take the file names to work from the file FILE; one file per line.
      Modify option '--files-from' to use a binary nul instead of a
      linefeed to separate file names.
      This option has no effect becuase OpenPGP encryption and signing is
      the default.
      This option is reserved and shall not be used.  It will eventually
      be used to encrypt or sign using the CMS protocol; but that is not
      yet implemented.
 '--set-filename FILE'
      Use the last component of FILE as the output directory.  The
      default is to take the directory name from the input filename.  If
      no input filename is known a directory named 'GPGARCH' is used.
      This option is deprecated in favor of option '--directory'.
 '--gpg GPGCMD'
      Use the specified command GPGCMD instead of 'gpg'.
 '--gpg-args ARGS'
      Pass the specified extra options to 'gpg'.
 '--tar-args ARGS'
      Assume ARGS are standard options of the command 'tar' and parse
      them.  The only supported tar options are "-directory",
      "-files-from", and "-null" This is an obsolete options because
      those supported tar options can also be given directly.
      Print version of the program and exit.
      Display a brief help page and exit.
 The program returns 0 if everything was fine, 1 otherwise.
 Some examples:
 Encrypt the contents of directory 'mydocs' for user Bob to file 'test1':
      gpgtar --encrypt --output test1 -r Bob mydocs
 List the contents of archive 'test1':
      gpgtar --list-archive test1