gnupg: OpenPGP Options

 4.2.4 OpenPGP protocol specific options
 '-t, --textmode'
      Treat input files as text and store them in the OpenPGP canonical
      text form with standard "CRLF" line endings.  This also sets the
      necessary flags to inform the recipient that the encrypted or
      signed data is text and may need its line endings converted back to
      whatever the local system uses.  This option is useful when
      communicating between two platforms that have different line ending
      conventions (UNIX-like to Mac, Mac to Windows, etc).
      '--no-textmode' disables this option, and is the default.
      These options are obsolete and have no effect since GnuPG 2.1.
      Force the use of encryption with a modification detection code.
      This is always used with the newer ciphers (those with a blocksize
      greater than 64 bits), or if all of the recipient keys indicate MDC
      support in their feature flags.
      Disable the use of the modification detection code.  Note that by
      using this option, the encrypted message becomes vulnerable to a
      message modification attack.
      By default the user ID of the signing key is embedded in the data
      signature.  As of now this is only done if the signing key has been
      specified with 'local-user' using a mail address.  This information
      can be helpful for verifier to locate the key; see option
 '--personal-cipher-preferences STRING'
      Set the list of personal cipher preferences to STRING.  Use 'gpg2
      --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use 'none' to
      set no preference at all.  This allows the user to safely override
      the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as GPG will
      only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients.  The
      most highly ranked cipher in this list is also used for the
      '--symmetric' encryption command.
 '--personal-digest-preferences STRING'
      Set the list of personal digest preferences to STRING.  Use 'gpg2
      --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use 'none' to
      set no preference at all.  This allows the user to safely override
      the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as GPG will
      only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients.  The
      most highly ranked digest algorithm in this list is also used when
      signing without encryption (e.g.  '--clear-sign' or '--sign').
 '--personal-compress-preferences STRING'
      Set the list of personal compression preferences to STRING.  Use
      'gpg2 --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use
      'none' to set no preference at all.  This allows the user to safely
      override the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as
      GPG will only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients.
      The most highly ranked compression algorithm in this list is also
      used when there are no recipient keys to consider (e.g.
 '--s2k-cipher-algo NAME'
      Use NAME as the cipher algorithm for symmetric encryption with a
      passphrase if '--personal-cipher-preferences' and '--cipher-algo'
      are not given.  The default is AES-128.
 '--s2k-digest-algo NAME'
      Use NAME as the digest algorithm used to mangle the passphrases for
      symmetric encryption.  The default is SHA-1.
 '--s2k-mode N'
      Selects how passphrases for symmetric encryption are mangled.  If N
      is 0 a plain passphrase (which is in general not recommended) will
      be used, a 1 adds a salt (which should not be used) to the
      passphrase and a 3 (the default) iterates the whole process a
      number of times (see '--s2k-count').
 '--s2k-count N'
      Specify how many times the passphrases mangling for symmetric
      encryption is repeated.  This value may range between 1024 and
      65011712 inclusive.  The default is inquired from gpg-agent.  Note
      that not all values in the 1024-65011712 range are legal and if an
      illegal value is selected, GnuPG will round up to the nearest legal
      value.  This option is only meaningful if '--s2k-mode' is set to
      the default of 3.