gdb: M2 Operators Operators
 Operators must be defined on values of specific types.  For instance,
 '+' is defined on numbers, but not on structures.  Operators are often
 defined on groups of types.  For the purposes of Modula-2, the following
 definitions hold:
    * _Integral types_ consist of 'INTEGER', 'CARDINAL', and their
    * _Character types_ consist of 'CHAR' and its subranges.
    * _Floating-point types_ consist of 'REAL'.
    * _Pointer types_ consist of anything declared as 'POINTER TO TYPE'.
    * _Scalar types_ consist of all of the above.
    * _Set types_ consist of 'SET' and 'BITSET' types.
    * _Boolean types_ consist of 'BOOLEAN'.
 The following operators are supported, and appear in order of increasing
      Function argument or array index separator.
      Assignment.  The value of VAR ':=' VALUE is VALUE.
 '<, >'
      Less than, greater than on integral, floating-point, or enumerated
 '<=, >='
      Less than or equal to, greater than or equal to on integral,
      floating-point and enumerated types, or set inclusion on set types.
      Same precedence as '<'.
 '=, <>, #'
      Equality and two ways of expressing inequality, valid on scalar
      types.  Same precedence as '<'.  In GDB scripts, only '<>' is
      available for inequality, since '#' conflicts with the script
      comment character.
      Set membership.  Defined on set types and the types of their
      members.  Same precedence as '<'.
      Boolean disjunction.  Defined on boolean types.
 'AND, &'
      Boolean conjunction.  Defined on boolean types.
      The GDB "artificial array" operator (SeeExpressions
 '+, -'
      Addition and subtraction on integral and floating-point types, or
      union and difference on set types.
      Multiplication on integral and floating-point types, or set
      intersection on set types.
      Division on floating-point types, or symmetric set difference on
      set types.  Same precedence as '*'.
      Integer division and remainder.  Defined on integral types.  Same
      precedence as '*'.
      Negative.  Defined on 'INTEGER' and 'REAL' data.
      Pointer dereferencing.  Defined on pointer types.
      Boolean negation.  Defined on boolean types.  Same precedence as
      'RECORD' field selector.  Defined on 'RECORD' data.  Same
      precedence as '^'.
      Array indexing.  Defined on 'ARRAY' data.  Same precedence as '^'.
      Procedure argument list.  Defined on 'PROCEDURE' objects.  Same
      precedence as '^'.
 '::, .'
      GDB and Modula-2 scope operators.
      _Warning:_ Set expressions and their operations are not yet
      supported, so GDB treats the use of the operator 'IN', or the use
      of operators '+', '-', '*', '/', '=', , '<>', '#', '<=', and '>='
      on sets as an error.