gdb: Listing Tracepoints

 13.1.7 Listing Tracepoints
 'info tracepoints [NUM...]'
      Display information about the tracepoint NUM.  If you don't specify
      a tracepoint number, displays information about all the tracepoints
      defined so far.  The format is similar to that used for 'info
      breakpoints'; in fact, 'info tracepoints' is the same command,
      simply restricting itself to tracepoints.
      A tracepoint's listing may include additional information specific
      to tracing:
         * its passcount as given by the 'passcount N' command
         * the state about installed on target of each location
           (gdb) info trace
           Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
           1       tracepoint     keep y   0x0804ab57 in foo() at main.cxx:7
                   while-stepping 20
                     collect globfoo, $regs
                   collect globfoo2
                   pass count 1200
           2       tracepoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>
                   collect $eip
           2.1                         y     0x0804859c in func4 at change-loc.h:35
                   installed on target
           2.2                         y     0xb7ffc480 in func4 at change-loc.h:35
                   installed on target
           2.3                         y     <PENDING>  set_tracepoint
           3       tracepoint     keep y   0x080485b1 in foo at change-loc.c:29
                   not installed on target
      This command can be abbreviated 'info tp'.