gdb: Iterators In Guile Iterators In Guile
 A simple iterator facility is provided to allow, for example, iterating
 over the set of program symbols without having to first construct a list
 of all of them.  A useful contribution would be to add support for SRFI
 41 and SRFI 45.
  -- Scheme Procedure: make-iterator object progress next!
      A '<gdb:iterator>' object is constructed with the 'make-iterator'
      procedure.  It takes three arguments: the object to be iterated
      over, an object to record the progress of the iteration, and a
      procedure to return the next element in the iteration, or an
      implementation chosen value to denote the end of iteration.
      By convention, end of iteration is marked with
      '(end-of-iteration)', and may be tested with the
      'end-of-iteration?' predicate.  The result of '(end-of-iteration)'
      is chosen so that it is not otherwise used by the '(gdb)' module.
      If you are using '<gdb:iterator>' in your own code it is your
      responsibility to maintain this invariant.
      A trivial example for illustration's sake:
           (use-modules (gdb iterator))
           (define my-list (list 1 2 3))
           (define iter
             (make-iterator my-list my-list
                            (lambda (iter)
                              (let ((l (iterator-progress iter)))
                                (if (eq? l '())
                                      (set-iterator-progress! iter (cdr l))
                                      (car l)))))))
      Here is a slightly more realistic example, which computes a list of
      all the functions in 'my-global-block'.
           (use-modules (gdb iterator))
           (define this-sal (find-pc-line (frame-pc (selected-frame))))
           (define this-symtab (sal-symtab this-sal))
           (define this-global-block (symtab-global-block this-symtab))
           (define syms-iter (make-block-symbols-iterator this-global-block))
           (define functions (iterator-filter symbol-function? syms-iter))
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator? object
      Return '#t' if OBJECT is a '<gdb:iterator>' object.  Otherwise
      return '#f'.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-object iterator
      Return the first argument that was passed to 'make-iterator'.  This
      is the object being iterated over.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-progress iterator
      Return the object tracking iteration progress.
  -- Scheme Procedure: set-iterator-progress! iterator new-value
      Set the object tracking iteration progress.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-next! iterator
      Invoke the procedure that was the third argument to
      'make-iterator', passing it one argument, the '<gdb:iterator>'
      object.  The result is either the next element in the iteration, or
      an end marker as implemented by the 'next!' procedure.  By
      convention the end marker is the result of '(end-of-iteration)'.
  -- Scheme Procedure: end-of-iteration
      Return the Scheme object that denotes end of iteration.
  -- Scheme Procedure: end-of-iteration? object
      Return '#t' if OBJECT is the end of iteration marker.  Otherwise
      return '#f'.
    These functions are provided by the '(gdb iterator)' module to assist
 in using iterators.
  -- Scheme Procedure: make-list-iterator list
      Return a '<gdb:iterator>' object that will iterate over LIST.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator->list iterator
      Return the elements pointed to by ITERATOR as a list.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-map proc iterator
      Return the list of objects obtained by applying PROC to the object
      pointed to by ITERATOR and to each subsequent object.
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-for-each proc iterator
      Apply PROC to each element pointed to by ITERATOR.  The result is
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-filter pred iterator
      Return the list of elements pointed to by ITERATOR that satisfy
  -- Scheme Procedure: iterator-until pred iterator
      Run ITERATOR until the result of '(pred element)' is true and
      return that as the result.  Otherwise return '#f'.