gdb: Guile Types Module Guile Types Module
 This module provides a collection of utilities for working with
 '<gdb:type>' objects.
      (use-modules (gdb types))
  -- Scheme Procedure: get-basic-type type
      Return TYPE with const and volatile qualifiers stripped, and with
      typedefs and C++ references converted to the underlying type.
      C++ example:
           typedef const int const_int;
           const_int foo (3);
           const_int& foo_ref (foo);
           int main () { return 0; }
      Then in gdb:
           (gdb) start
           (gdb) guile (use-modules (gdb) (gdb types))
           (gdb) guile (define foo-ref (parse-and-eval "foo_ref"))
           (gdb) guile (get-basic-type (value-type foo-ref))
  -- Scheme Procedure: type-has-field-deep? type field
      Return '#t' if TYPE, assumed to be a type with fields (e.g., a
      structure or union), has field FIELD.  Otherwise return '#f'.  This
      searches baseclasses, whereas 'type-has-field?' does not.
  -- Scheme Procedure: make-enum-hashtable enum-type
      Return a Guile hash table produced from ENUM-TYPE.  Elements in the
      hash table are referenced with 'hashq-ref'.