gdb: Errno Values

 Errno Values
 All values are given in decimal representation.
        EPERM           1
        ENOENT          2
        EINTR           4
        EBADF           9
        EACCES         13
        EFAULT         14
        EBUSY          16
        EEXIST         17
        ENODEV         19
        ENOTDIR        20
        EISDIR         21
        EINVAL         22
        ENFILE         23
        EMFILE         24
        EFBIG          27
        ENOSPC         28
        ESPIPE         29
        EROFS          30
        ENAMETOOLONG   91
        EUNKNOWN       9999
    'EUNKNOWN' is used as a fallback error value if a host system returns
 any error value not in the list of supported error numbers.