gdb: Branch Trace Format

 E.19 Branch Trace Format
 In order to display the branch trace of an inferior thread, GDB needs to
 obtain the list of branches.  This list is represented as list of
 sequential code blocks that are connected via branches.  The code in
 each block has been executed sequentially.
    This list is obtained using the 'qXfer:btrace:read' (SeeqXfer
 btrace read) packet and is an XML document.
    GDB must be linked with the Expat library to support XML traceframe
 info discovery.  SeeExpat.
    The top-level structure of the document is shown below:
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!DOCTYPE btrace
                PUBLIC "+//IDN GDB Branch Trace V1.0//EN"
    * A block of sequentially executed instructions starting at BEGIN and
      ending at END:
           <block begin="BEGIN" end="END"/>
    The formal DTD for the branch trace format is given below:
      <!ELEMENT btrace  (block* | pt) >
      <!ATTLIST btrace  version CDATA   #FIXED "1.0">
      <!ELEMENT block        EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST block        begin  CDATA   #REQUIRED
                             end    CDATA   #REQUIRED>
      <!ELEMENT pt (pt-config?, raw?)>
      <!ELEMENT pt-config (cpu?)>
      <!ELEMENT cpu EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST cpu vendor   CDATA #REQUIRED
                    family   CDATA #REQUIRED
                    model    CDATA #REQUIRED
                    stepping CDATA #REQUIRED>
      <!ELEMENT raw (#PCDATA)>