gawkworkflow: Cheat Sheet

 Appendix A Git Command Cheat Sheet
 This major node provides an alphabetical list of the Git commands cited
 in this Info file, along with brief descriptions of what the commands
    Note that you may always use either 'git help COMMAND' or 'git
 COMMAND --help' to get short, man-page style help on how to use any
 given Git command.
 'git add'
      Add a file to the list of files to be committed.
 'git branch'
      View existing branches, or delete a branch.  Most useful options:
      '-a' and '-d'.
 'git checkout'
      Checkout an existing branch, create a new branch, or checkout a
      file to reset it.  Use the '-b' option to create and checkout a new
      branch in one operation.
 'git clone'
      Clone (make a new copy of) an existing repository.  You generally
      only need to do this once.
 'git commit'
      Commit changes to files which have been staged for committing with
      'git add'.  This makes your changes permanent, _in your local
      repository only_.  To publish your changes to an upstream repo, you
      must use 'git push'.
 'git config'
      Display and/or change global and/or local configuration settings.
 'git diff'
      Show a unified-format diff of what's changed in the current
      directory as of the last commit.  It helps to have Git configured
      to use its builtin pager for reviewing diffs (SeeConfiguring
 'git difftool'
      Use a "tool" (usually a GUI-based program) to view differences,
      instead of the standard textual diff as you'd get from 'git diff'.
 'git fetch'
      Update your local copy of the upstream's branches.  That is, update
      the various 'origin/' branches.  This leaves your local tracking
      branches unchanged.  With the '--prune' option, this removes any
      copies of stale 'origin/' branches.
 'git format-patch'
      Create a series of patch files, one per commit not on the original
      branch from which you started.
 'git gc'
      Run a "garbage collection" pass in the current repository.  This
      can often reduce the space used in a large repo.  For 'gawk' it
      does not make that much difference.
 'git help'
      Print a man-page-style usage summary for a command.
 'git log'
      Show the current branch's commit log.  This includes who made the
      commit, the date, and the commit message.  Commits are shown from
      newest to oldest.
 'git merge'
      Merge changes from the named branch into the current one.
 'git pull'
      When in your local tracking branch 'XXX', run 'git fetch', and then
      merge from 'origin/XXX' into 'XXX'.
 'git push'
      Push commits from your local tracking branch 'XXX' through
      'origin/XXX' and on to branch 'XXX' in the upstream repo.  Use 'git
      push -u origin --delete XXX' to delete an upstream branch.  (Do so
 'git rebase'
      Rebase the changes in the current purely local branch to look as if
      they had been made relative to the latest commit in the current
      upstream branch (typically 'master').  This is how you keep your
      local, in-progress changes up-to-date with respect to the original
      branch from which they were started.
 'git reset'
      Restore the original state of the repo, especially with the
      '--hard' option.  Read up on this command, and use it carefully.
 'git status'
      Show the status of files that are scheduled to be committed, and
      those that have been modified but not yet scheduled for committing.
      Use 'git add' to schedule a file for committing.  This command also
      lists untracked files.