gawk: Printing

 5 Printing Output
 One of the most common programming actions is to "print", or output,
 some or all of the input.  Use the 'print' statement for simple output,
 and the 'printf' statement for fancier formatting.  The 'print'
 statement is not limited when computing _which_ values to print.
 However, with two exceptions, you cannot specify _how_ to print
 them--how many columns, whether to use exponential notation or not, and
DONTPRINTYET  so on.  (For the exceptions, SeeOutput Separators and *noteDONTPRINTYET  so on.  (For the exceptions, SeeOutput Separators and See
 OFMT.)  For printing with specifications, you need the 'printf'
 statement (SeePrintf).
    Besides basic and formatted printing, this major node also covers I/O
 redirections to files and pipes, introduces the special file names that
 'gawk' processes internally, and discusses the 'close()' built-in
