gawk: Indirect Calls

 9.3 Indirect Function Calls
 This section describes an advanced, 'gawk'-specific extension.
    Often, you may wish to defer the choice of function to call until
 runtime.  For example, you may have different kinds of records, each of
 which should be processed differently.
    Normally, you would have to use a series of 'if'-'else' statements to
 decide which function to call.  By using "indirect" function calls, you
 can specify the name of the function to call as a string variable, and
 then call the function.  Let's look at an example.
    Suppose you have a file with your test scores for the classes you are
 taking, and you wish to get the sum and the average of your test scores.
 The first field is the class name.  The following fields are the
 functions to call to process the data, up to a "marker" field 'data:'.
 Following the marker, to the end of the record, are the various numeric
 test scores.
    Here is the initial file:
      Biology_101 sum average data: 87.0 92.4 78.5 94.9
      Chemistry_305 sum average data: 75.2 98.3 94.7 88.2
      English_401 sum average data: 100.0 95.6 87.1 93.4
    To process the data, you might write initially:
          class = $1
          for (i = 2; $i != "data:"; i++) {
              if ($i == "sum")
                  sum()   # processes the whole record
              else if ($i == "average")
              ...           # and so on
 This style of programming works, but can be awkward.  With "indirect"
 function calls, you tell 'gawk' to use the _value_ of a variable as the
 _name_ of the function to call.
    The syntax is similar to that of a regular function call: an
 identifier immediately followed by an opening parenthesis, any
 arguments, and then a closing parenthesis, with the addition of a
 leading '@' character:
      the_func = "sum"
      result = @the_func()   # calls the sum() function
    Here is a full program that processes the previously shown data,
 using indirect function calls:
      # indirectcall.awk --- Demonstrate indirect function calls
      # average --- return the average of the values in fields $first - $last
      function average(first, last,   sum, i)
          sum = 0;
          for (i = first; i <= last; i++)
              sum += $i
          return sum / (last - first + 1)
      # sum --- return the sum of the values in fields $first - $last
      function sum(first, last,   ret, i)
          ret = 0;
          for (i = first; i <= last; i++)
              ret += $i
          return ret
    These two functions expect to work on fields; thus, the parameters
 'first' and 'last' indicate where in the fields to start and end.
 Otherwise, they perform the expected computations and are not unusual:
      # For each record, print the class name and the requested statistics
          class_name = $1
          gsub(/_/, " ", class_name)  # Replace _ with spaces
          # find start
          for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
              if ($i == "data:") {
                  start = i + 1
          printf("%s:\n", class_name)
          for (i = 2; $i != "data:"; i++) {
              the_function = $i
              printf("\t%s: <%s>\n", $i, @the_function(start, NF) "")
          print ""
    This is the main processing for each record.  It prints the class
 name (with underscores replaced with spaces).  It then finds the start
 of the actual data, saving it in 'start'.  The last part of the code
 loops through each function name (from '$2' up to the marker, 'data:'),
 calling the function named by the field.  The indirect function call
 itself occurs as a parameter in the call to 'printf'.  (The 'printf'
 format string uses '%s' as the format specifier so that we can use
 functions that return strings, as well as numbers.  Note that the result
 from the indirect call is concatenated with the empty string, in order
 to force it to be a string value.)
    Here is the result of running the program:
      $ gawk -f indirectcall.awk class_data1
      -| Biology 101:
      -|     sum: <352.8>
      -|     average: <88.2>
      -| Chemistry 305:
      -|     sum: <356.4>
      -|     average: <89.1>
      -| English 401:
      -|     sum: <376.1>
      -|     average: <94.025>
    The ability to use indirect function calls is more powerful than you
 may think at first.  The C and C++ languages provide "function
 pointers," which are a mechanism for calling a function chosen at
 runtime.  One of the most well-known uses of this ability is the C
 'qsort()' function, which sorts an array using the famous "quicksort"
 algorithm (see the Wikipedia article
 ( for more information).  To use
 this function, you supply a pointer to a comparison function.  This
 mechanism allows you to sort arbitrary data in an arbitrary fashion.
    We can do something similar using 'gawk', like this:
      # quicksort.awk --- Quicksort algorithm, with user-supplied
      #                   comparison function
      # quicksort --- C.A.R. Hoare's quicksort algorithm. See Wikipedia
      #               or almost any algorithms or computer science text.
      function quicksort(data, left, right, less_than,    i, last)
          if (left >= right)  # do nothing if array contains fewer
              return          # than two elements
          quicksort_swap(data, left, int((left + right) / 2))
          last = left
          for (i = left + 1; i <= right; i++)
              if (@less_than(data[i], data[left]))
                  quicksort_swap(data, ++last, i)
          quicksort_swap(data, left, last)
          quicksort(data, left, last - 1, less_than)
          quicksort(data, last + 1, right, less_than)
      # quicksort_swap --- helper function for quicksort, should really be inline
      function quicksort_swap(data, i, j,      temp)
          temp = data[i]
          data[i] = data[j]
          data[j] = temp
    The 'quicksort()' function receives the 'data' array, the starting
 and ending indices to sort ('left' and 'right'), and the name of a
 function that performs a "less than" comparison.  It then implements the
 quicksort algorithm.
    To make use of the sorting function, we return to our previous
 example.  The first thing to do is write some comparison functions:
      # num_lt --- do a numeric less than comparison
      function num_lt(left, right)
          return ((left + 0) < (right + 0))
      # num_ge --- do a numeric greater than or equal to comparison
      function num_ge(left, right)
          return ((left + 0) >= (right + 0))
    The 'num_ge()' function is needed to perform a descending sort; when
 used to perform a "less than" test, it actually does the opposite
 (greater than or equal to), which yields data sorted in descending
    Next comes a sorting function.  It is parameterized with the starting
 and ending field numbers and the comparison function.  It builds an
 array with the data and calls 'quicksort()' appropriately, and then
 formats the results as a single string:
      # do_sort --- sort the data according to `compare'
      #             and return it as a string
      function do_sort(first, last, compare,      data, i, retval)
          delete data
          for (i = 1; first <= last; first++) {
              data[i] = $first
          quicksort(data, 1, i-1, compare)
          retval = data[1]
          for (i = 2; i in data; i++)
              retval = retval " " data[i]
          return retval
    Finally, the two sorting functions call 'do_sort()', passing in the
 names of the two comparison functions:
      # sort --- sort the data in ascending order and return it as a string
      function sort(first, last)
          return do_sort(first, last, "num_lt")
      # rsort --- sort the data in descending order and return it as a string
      function rsort(first, last)
          return do_sort(first, last, "num_ge")
    Here is an extended version of the data file:
      Biology_101 sum average sort rsort data: 87.0 92.4 78.5 94.9
      Chemistry_305 sum average sort rsort data: 75.2 98.3 94.7 88.2
      English_401 sum average sort rsort data: 100.0 95.6 87.1 93.4
    Finally, here are the results when the enhanced program is run:
      $ gawk -f quicksort.awk -f indirectcall.awk class_data2
      -| Biology 101:
      -|     sum: <352.8>
      -|     average: <88.2>
      -|     sort: <78.5 87.0 92.4 94.9>
      -|     rsort: <94.9 92.4 87.0 78.5>
      -| Chemistry 305:
      -|     sum: <356.4>
      -|     average: <89.1>
      -|     sort: <75.2 88.2 94.7 98.3>
      -|     rsort: <98.3 94.7 88.2 75.2>
      -| English 401:
      -|     sum: <376.1>
      -|     average: <94.025>
      -|     sort: <87.1 93.4 95.6 100.0>
      -|     rsort: <100.0 95.6 93.4 87.1>
    Another example where indirect functions calls are useful can be
 found in processing arrays.  This is described in SeeWalking
    Remember that you must supply a leading '@' in front of an indirect
 function call.
    Starting with version 4.1.2 of 'gawk', indirect function calls may
 also be used with built-in functions and with extension functions (See
 Dynamic Extensions).  There are some limitations when calling built-in
 functions indirectly, as follows.
    * You cannot pass a regular expression constant to a built-in
      function through an indirect function call.(1)  This applies to the
      'sub()', 'gsub()', 'gensub()', 'match()', 'split()' and
      'patsplit()' functions.
    * If calling 'sub()' or 'gsub()', you may only pass two arguments,
      since those functions are unusual in that they update their third
      argument.  This means that '$0' will be updated.
    'gawk' does its best to make indirect function calls efficient.  For
 example, in the following case:
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
 'gawk' looks up the actual function to call only once.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) This may change in a future version; recheck the documentation
 that comes with your version of 'gawk' to see if it has.