fftw3: Row-major Format

 3.2.1 Row-major Format
 The multi-dimensional arrays passed to 'fftw_plan_dft' etcetera are
 expected to be stored as a single contiguous block in "row-major" order
 (sometimes called "C order").  Basically, this means that as you step
 through adjacent memory locations, the first dimension's index varies
 most slowly and the last dimension's index varies most quickly.
    To be more explicit, let us consider an array of rank d whose
 dimensions are n[0] x n[1] x n[2] x ...  x n[d-1] .  Now, we specify a
 location in the array by a sequence of d (zero-based) indices, one for
 each dimension: (i[0], i[1], ..., i[d-1]).  If the array is stored in
 row-major order, then this element is located at the position i[d-1] +
 n[d-1] * (i[d-2] + n[d-2] * (...  + n[1] * i[0])).
    Note that, for the ordinary complex DFT, each element of the array
 must be of type 'fftw_complex'; i.e.  a (real, imaginary) pair of
 (double-precision) numbers.
    In the advanced FFTW interface, the physical dimensions n from which
 the indices are computed can be different from (larger than) the logical
 dimensions of the transform to be computed, in order to transform a
 subset of a larger array.  Note also that, in the advanced interface,
 the expression above is multiplied by a "stride" to get the actual array
 index--this is useful in situations where each element of the
 multi-dimensional array is actually a data structure (or another array),
 and you just want to transform a single field.  In the basic interface,
 however, the stride is 1.