fftw3: Installation on non-Unix systems

 10.2 Installation on non-Unix systems
 It should be relatively straightforward to compile FFTW even on non-Unix
 systems lacking the niceties of a 'configure' script.  Basically, you
 need to edit the 'config.h' header (copy it from 'config.h.in') to
 '#define' the various options and compiler characteristics, and then
 compile all the '.c' files in the relevant directories.
    The 'config.h' header contains about 100 options to set, each one
 initially an '#undef', each documented with a comment, and most of them
 fairly obvious.  For most of the options, you should simply '#define'
 them to '1' if they are applicable, although a few options require a
 particular value (e.g.  'SIZEOF_LONG_LONG' should be defined to the size
 of the 'long long' type, in bytes, or zero if it is not supported).  We
 will likely post some sample 'config.h' files for various operating
 systems and compilers for you to use (at least as a starting point).
 Please let us know if you have to hand-create a configuration file
 (and/or a pre-compiled binary) that you want to share.
    To create the FFTW library, you will then need to compile all of the
 '.c' files in the 'kernel', 'dft', 'dft/scalar', 'dft/scalar/codelets',
 'rdft', 'rdft/scalar', 'rdft/scalar/r2cf', 'rdft/scalar/r2cb',
 'rdft/scalar/r2r', 'reodft', and 'api' directories.  If you are
 compiling with SIMD support (e.g.  you defined 'HAVE_SSE2' in
 'config.h'), then you also need to compile the '.c' files in the
 'simd-support', '{dft,rdft}/simd', '{dft,rdft}/simd/*' directories.
    Once these files are all compiled, link them into a library, or a
 shared library, or directly into your program.
    To compile the FFTW test program, additionally compile the code in
 the 'libbench2/' directory, and link it into a library.  Then compile
 the code in the 'tests/' directory and link it to the 'libbench2' and
 FFTW libraries.  To compile the 'fftw-wisdom' (command-line) tool (See
 Wisdom Utilities), compile 'tools/fftw-wisdom.c' and link it to the
 'libbench2' and FFTW libraries