fftw3: Advanced Complex DFTs

 4.4.1 Advanced Complex DFTs
      fftw_plan fftw_plan_many_dft(int rank, const int *n, int howmany,
                                   fftw_complex *in, const int *inembed,
                                   int istride, int idist,
                                   fftw_complex *out, const int *onembed,
                                   int ostride, int odist,
                                   int sign, unsigned flags);
    This routine plans multiple multidimensional complex DFTs, and it
 extends the 'fftw_plan_dft' routine (SeeComplex DFTs) to compute
 'howmany' transforms, each having rank 'rank' and size 'n'.  In
 addition, the transform data need not be contiguous, but it may be laid
 out in memory with an arbitrary stride.  To account for these
 possibilities, 'fftw_plan_many_dft' adds the new parameters 'howmany',
 {'i','o'}'nembed', {'i','o'}'stride', and {'i','o'}'dist'.  The FFTW
 basic interface (SeeComplex DFTs) provides routines specialized for
 ranks 1, 2, and 3, but the advanced interface handles only the
 general-rank case.
    'howmany' is the number of transforms to compute.  The resulting plan
 computes 'howmany' transforms, where the input of the 'k'-th transform
 is at location 'in+k*idist' (in C pointer arithmetic), and its output is
 at location 'out+k*odist'.  Plans obtained in this way can often be
 faster than calling FFTW multiple times for the individual transforms.
 The basic 'fftw_plan_dft' interface corresponds to 'howmany=1' (in which
 case the 'dist' parameters are ignored).
    Each of the 'howmany' transforms has rank 'rank' and size 'n', as in
 the basic interface.  In addition, the advanced interface allows the
 input and output arrays of each transform to be row-major subarrays of
 larger rank-'rank' arrays, described by 'inembed' and 'onembed'
 parameters, respectively.  {'i','o'}'nembed' must be arrays of length
 'rank', and 'n' should be elementwise less than or equal to
 {'i','o'}'nembed'.  Passing 'NULL' for an 'nembed' parameter is
 equivalent to passing 'n' (i.e.  same physical and logical dimensions,
 as in the basic interface.)
    The 'stride' parameters indicate that the 'j'-th element of the input
 or output arrays is located at 'j*istride' or 'j*ostride', respectively.
 (For a multi-dimensional array, 'j' is the ordinary row-major index.)
 When combined with the 'k'-th transform in a 'howmany' loop, from above,
 this means that the ('j','k')-th element is at 'j*stride+k*dist'.  (The
 basic 'fftw_plan_dft' interface corresponds to a stride of 1.)
    For in-place transforms, the input and output 'stride' and 'dist'
 parameters should be the same; otherwise, the planner may return 'NULL'.
    Arrays 'n', 'inembed', and 'onembed' are not used after this function
 returns.  You can safely free or reuse them.
    *Examples*: One transform of one 5 by 6 array contiguous in memory:
         int rank = 2;
         int n[] = {5, 6};
         int howmany = 1;
         int idist = odist = 0; /* unused because howmany = 1 */
         int istride = ostride = 1; /* array is contiguous in memory */
         int *inembed = n, *onembed = n;
    Transform of three 5 by 6 arrays, each contiguous in memory, stored
 in memory one after another:
         int rank = 2;
         int n[] = {5, 6};
         int howmany = 3;
         int idist = odist = n[0]*n[1]; /* = 30, the distance in memory
                                           between the first element
                                           of the first array and the
                                           first element of the second array */
         int istride = ostride = 1; /* array is contiguous in memory */
         int *inembed = n, *onembed = n;
    Transform each column of a 2d array with 10 rows and 3 columns:
         int rank = 1; /* not 2: we are computing 1d transforms */
         int n[] = {10}; /* 1d transforms of length 10 */
         int howmany = 3;
         int idist = odist = 1;
         int istride = ostride = 3; /* distance between two elements in
                                       the same column */
         int *inembed = n, *onembed = n;