eudc: External Configuration

 2.1.2 External Configuration
 Your system may already be configured for a default LDAP server.  For
 example, ‘/etc/openldap/ldap.conf’ might contain:
      BASE ou=people,dc=gnu,dc=org
      URI ldaps://
      TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/certs
    Authentication requires a password, and a “bind distinguished name
 (binddn)” representing the user, in this case, ‘gnu\emacsuser’.  These
 can be specified in ‘~/.authinfo.gpg’ with the following line:
      machine ldaps:// binddn gnu\emacsuser password s3cr3t
    Then in the ‘.emacs’ init file, these expressions suffice to
 configure EUDC for LDAP:
      (with-eval-after-load "message"
        (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'eudc-expand-inline))
      (customize-set-variable 'eudc-server-hotlist
                              '(("" . bbdb)
                                ("ldaps://" . ldap)))
      (customize-set-variable 'ldap-host-parameters-alist
                                 auth-source t)))
    For this example where we only care about one server, the server name
 can be omitted in ‘~/.authinfo.gpg’ and ‘.emacs’, in which case
 ‘ldapsearch’ defaults to the host name in ‘/etc/openldap/ldap.conf’.
    The ‘~/.authinfo.gpg’ line becomes:
      binddn gnu\emacsuser password s3cr3t
 and the ‘.emacs’ expressions become:
      (with-eval-after-load "message"
        (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'eudc-expand-inline))
      (customize-set-variable 'eudc-server-hotlist
                              '(("" . bbdb) ("" . ldap)))
      (customize-set-variable 'ldap-host-parameters-alist
                              '(("" auth-source t)))